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Example sentences for "babby"

Lexicographically close words:
babbler; babblers; babbles; babbling; babblings; babe; babel; babes; babi; babiche
  1. Then it's just that she may send her own child away, and give her milk to the English babby that's coming; because the lady is too much of a lady to have a child hanging to her breast.

  2. Moggy Cala there to cook the dinner, and pretty Mary Sullivan for a nurse for the babby as soon as it comes into the world.

  3. Not a small one, O'Brien, although not quite so large as Fingal's babby that you told me the story of.

  4. Why ivery babby knows the whole shtory be heart, an’ all about thim.

  5. A babby as ever was," nodded the Ancient.

  6. Natur', in all her werdur', vos smilin' like a fat babby in its maternal harms!

  7. I've a great mind to buy thee a doll, and take thy babby mysel'.

  8. You see, Master Thurstan is no wiser than a babby in some things; and Miss Faith just lets him have his own way; so it's all left to me to keep him out of scrapes.

  9. George was the finest babby I ever did see; he walked at nine months.

  10. I didn't know half the passengers from t'other half, let alone knowin' which babby belonged to which mother.

  11. And is wee babby to stay out in the cold night air?

  12. Well, well, and so you has brought a babby with you!

  13. Why, ould Bluebeard was a suckin' babby compared to him, in the regard of cruelty.

  14. So I'll take the babby out for a blast o' fresh air while yez are convarsin'.

  15. Answer me this, didn't you kiss the babby just before you came out?

  16. Nothing in the world, except, may-be, you might just run over the way and see how Mrs. Duff and the babby is.

  17. Wot makes yer care for that babby so much?

  18. Will I let out my hown babby for the night for nuthin'?

  19. D'ye think I'd let ye 'ave my babby for a hour unless yer paid for 'it?

  20. No friend like the mother, for the babby knows no other.

  21. I never meant to take your babby from you.

  22. There's a babby for you, in the form of a Sea Porkypine!

  23. There's a babby fur you, in the form of a great Sea Porkypine!

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "babby" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.