Strong emphasis was placed on the introduction of automation in both production and management processes.
In the long run, greater efficiency of economic management is to be attained through pervasive automation of all management functions with the aid of a synchronized national network of electronic computers.
No ideas have been advanced, however, on how complex automation would solve the basic problem of the economy--the widely acknowledged and pervasive lack of incentives to work.
It is especially noted for production of tractors, large trucks, machine tools, and automation equipment.
Since then, automation has swept the industry and manufacturing costs per unit have dropped drastically.
As automation continued, fewer and fewer of our people were needed to produce all the commodities that the country could assimilate under our present socio-economic system.
Given that the upkeep of the slaves is less than the price of full automation (and its upkeep), I do not think we shall prove ourselves morally so very superior to our grandfathers.
Hank Kuran remembered reading, a few months earlier, of a British textile company which had attempted to introduce a whole line of new automation equipment.
It had been possibly fifteen years since Hank had been through Detroit but he doubted greatly that automation had developed as far in his own country as it seemed to have here.
He complained of segregation and unemployment, and automation in the United States.
He said "No, we got automation here, we are taking too much business in so we have to let you go.
Well, on December 13, they called me in and said they wanted to talk with me and they told me that due to automation I was going to have to be replaced.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "automation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.