Afterwards, during the criticism of operations in the presence of the Kaiser, he claimed that he had subjected the attackers to streams of burning oil.
It was used for preparation a considerable time before the attack, or during the attack, on localities and objects with which the attackers would have no contact.
His eyes took in all theattackers in one moving picture.
The Germans were so intent upon the arms they had found that they did not see their attackers until the boys were upon them.
The attackers were now fanned out and charging across the meadow.
The infuriated attackers were almost on the point of hewing the stout outlaws to pieces, when the Sheriff cried: "Hold!
But the field was not yet won, for they retreated in close order toward the East gate, resolved to hem the attackerswithin the city walls.
And the path before Shann now was dotted by splotches of that radiance, not as brilliant as the chemical-born flames the attackers had kindled in the camp, but as quick to betray the unwary who passed within their dim circles.
Whether those fumes had the same effect upon Throg breathing apparatus as they did upon Terran, the attackers could not tell, but they hoped such a bombardment would add to the general confusion.
The enemy machine gunners opened fire at once and the attackers began to fall almost as soon as the attack was commenced.
They got eighty or ninety yards without difficulty, when the enemy opened a heavy machine gun fire, and the ground being convex the attackers formed a good target.
A score or more of machine guns firing at various angles, with the range set to a nicety, swept down the attackers almost before they had time to leave their trenches.
No use for the attackers to fling themselves down and fire; they had no target.
These he was to lead out by the ports on to the deck, where they were to take cover until the main body of the attackers removed the hatches.
Since the attackers were covered with alkali-dust from the long ride, a color which would merge into the desert floor when a man lay prone, detection of any movement was doubly difficult.
Crouching behind a rock with his rifle to his shoulder, he waited for the attackers to show themselves.
When they stopped only four attackers remained on their feet.
The attackers had come straight up a road that led from the Game Preserve to the station.
And the forward edge of the Ridge was wooded enough to let counter-attackers mass under cover and then run down to surprise the attackers by manning the cuttings and embankments.
There, in the Bloody Angle, the battle raged with ever-increasing fury until the rising tide of strife, bursting its narrow bounds, carried the blue attackers back to where they came from.
Moreover, Jackson's position was not only strong in itself but well adapted for giving attackers a shattering surprise.
Or if they were, the attackers covered their trail afterward--" Ross ventured.
Decks had been cleared and Nancy and Mabel huddled side by side on a bunk, listening to attackers and defenders roaring overhead.
Almost immediately after they stationed themselves there, however, the attackers were driven off and peace descended once more on the dark flotilla.
Had the attackers possessed the one necessary extra ounce of heroism, and pressed on to the goal, they could have won it.
Shoot slow and sure," warned Donald, and a moment later one and another of the attackers began to drop or waver in their tracks.
There were fisticuffs aplenty because husky men who might not care to enlist with old Eck Flagg were sufficiently muscular and ugly to strike back at attackers who stamped on their feet and drove fists into their backs.
Thus far the attackers had refrained from using revolvers in order to avoid bringing others to the scene.
Cursing, several of the attackers sprang for them, too, they were seized, and rough hands clapped over their mouths.
All the courage and skill and patience of the attackers could not bolt them from these burrows by means of frontal attacks.
The attackers dug themselves in, and sent back to Basra for reinforcements, which arrived on 7th December.
He roared in for the attack, aiming at the places where the attackers waited.
Still, it was terrifying to have the plane roar past scarcely two feet above one's head, and Rick knew the attackers would be worried about the possibility of an accident.
When he saw the peak rushing at him he released the weighted paper, climbed swiftly, and saw one of the attackers run to get it.
They were in good cover, and as long as he was overhead, ready to dive on the attackersif they should try for a better position, the two were all right.
There were shouts from the otherattackers still outside the defense perimeter and two horsemen reined their mounts and charged toward Hawksworth and Shirin.
At night the attackers must be illuminated by star-shell, flares, or searchlights.
There are alternative methods which the attackers may adopt.
Two or three men with a machine-gun could defy several companies of soldiers, especially when the attackers had to cut their way through barbed wire entanglements.
The moment Bridge realized that some of the attackers had reached the veranda he called the surviving Mexican and the Chinaman to follow him to the lower floor where they might stand a better chance to repel this new attack.
There was a scream as one of the attackers dropped; but the others only increased their efforts, their oaths, and their threats of vengeance.
Whereupon the last of the attackers turned and made haste to fly, the three archers in close pursuit.
And so skillful was the boy that he hewed down several of the knaves and Sir Dagonet too, soon found that others of Sir Percival's attackers were turning their attention to him.
Constant watch, constant need for being present to repel the attackers had left the mark of weariness on Sir Launcelot, Sir Tristram and Sir Percival.
As for Allan he had already ridden down two of the attackers and had brought his weapon which was cross between sword and dagger down upon their skulls.
So now down at the gates, now on the walls, sending death and destruction upon the attackers the two knights held their own, fighting hopefully, unyieldingly, hour after hour.
By that night, nearly all the original attackers were gone and Fritz was back in at least two of the craters.
As I remember it, they did very little shooting but jumped out of their trench to meet the attackers with the cold steel.
On the evening of the 31st the gallant attackers were rewarded for their deeds of immortal fame by a message of warm praise from the Emperor.
The streets could not be used for our advance, being choked with debris, and under heavy rifle and machine-gun fire, so the attackers had to make their way through or over the walls.
The Germans in this quarter would seem to have belonged to the 54th Reserve Division: at neither of these points did the attackers meet with any success.
Thus the morning of 26th October found the attackers back in their assault-positions: their courage, spirit and indifference to death having added another leaf of fame to the chaplet of the Guards.
But it was all of no avail: the attackers kept on advancing.
With dawn, orders were given for the attackers to withdraw, and as the grey morning light began to break, they made their way to their own trenches, with a difficult task well and successfully performed.
The advance was made with coolness and resolution, but the attackers were met by heavy machine-gun fire from the mound.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "attackers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.