Polydor Virgil writeth in this sort of the victorious acts atchiued by the foresaid Aurelius Ambrosius.
Westmonasteriensis writeth, that Porrex deuising waies to kill Ferrex, atchiued his purpose and slue him.
This exploit was atchiued by the Englishmen, on saint Martins day in winter, in this third yeare of king Richard his reigne.
The entrance and beginning of euerie thing is the hardest; and he that beginneth well, hath atchiued halfe his purpose.
After this iournie atchiued thus by Edrike, Cnute commanded that they should not waste the countrie anie more, but gaue order to prepare all things readie to besiege London: but before he attempted that [Sidenote: Wil.
The Silures were they that hadatchiued this victorie, and kept a fowle stur ouer all the countries about them, till by the comming of Didius against them, they were driuen backe and repelled.
This feat was atchiued by the Silures also, the which in bestowing prisoners and part of the spoile vpon other of their neighbours, procured them likewise to rebell against the Romans, and to take part with them.
The French king kept him as yet within France, and durst not come foorth now after the ariuall of king Henrie, but manie enterprises were atchiued by the capteines on both sides.
The French king aduertised of the earls arriuall, and of these his atchiued enterprises, sent foorth by and by the earle of Champaigne with a mightie armie into Guien to aid his people there.
Other challenges were doone, and valiantlie atchiuedby the Englishmen, which I passe ouer.
After he had thus atchiued his desire in Denmarke, as he returned backe towards Britaine, he encountred with a nauie of 30 ships beside the Iles of Orkenies.
After this the senat was called togither, who discoursed of manie things touching this honourable victorie atchiued by the taking of Caratake, estéeming the same no lesse glorious, than when P.
In the meane while, the christian armie atchiued some worthie enterprises in the holie land, though not manie, by reason of such enuious discord as reigned amongst the chéefe gouernours.
But to speake of all the worthie exploits atchiued by king Richard and his valiant capteins there in the holie land against the infidels, it would require a long treatise, and therefore here we passe them ouer.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "atchiued" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.