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Example sentences for "assaulting"

Lexicographically close words:
assassinations; assassins; assault; assaulted; assaulters; assaults; assay; assaye; assayed; assayer
  1. The cold was severe but the Bolsheviki lying on their arms out in the snow where their assaulting lines faltered and dug in, suffered even more and many crawled in to give themselves up rather than freeze.

  2. The Russian artillery observer distinguished himself by his accuracy in covering the enemy assaulting lines with shrapnel.

  3. One Corporal and three Privates of the Donegal Militia had been heavily fined by the Justices for assaulting Mr. Nall (printer) and several policemen.

  4. Captain James Day had been fined £5 for assaulting Mr. Nolloth, tailor.

  5. Mr. Wright (who had been objected to) was charged before the Justices for assaulting Sergeant James Gowen (the Tory objector) and bound over to keep the peace.

  6. Edward Tupman and Edward Gill, captains of vessels, bound for the North, had been charged with assaulting S.

  7. Sergeant Johnson had been charged by Mr. George William Moore with having been drunk and assaulting him.

  8. Diggles, for assaulting the constable in the execution of his duty.

  9. A person of very respectable exterior was brought before the magistrate, charged with assaulting the waiter, and destroying the property, of an eating-house proprietor in the neighbourhood of Covent-garden.

  10. Suddenly a few sharp rifle cracks spat out, telling us that the enemy had seen our assaulting columns.

  11. But he did not fall in vain, for what he had done at the cost of his life enabled the assaulting columns to enter the town, which by 7 a.

  12. But most were for carrying it into execution at once, by assaulting him in his own house.

  13. On its discovery by the enemy, Longpath threw Hoadley's division in at this point, at the same time assaulting our right flank with Bertram's force.

  14. Broomfield, by assaulting the enemy at the lower crossing, and if he could be driven from there, to cross and assault his right, his center being too strongly posted to risk an attack on it then.

  15. Anderson gave the order at once to prepare for action--knapsacks and blankets were thrown off, and the assaulting column formed.

  16. Some of the officers, as well as men, openly said it was most cruel and cold-blooded murder to force men up against works where one man behind them would equal at least four of the assaulting party.

  17. Here he met a young officer whom he had noticed moving rapidly to the front and assaulting the enemy with his command at any and every point where he could hit him.

  18. The enemy, discovering this movement, retreated early in the morning, Sherlin following and assaulting them at every opportunity.

  19. Longstreet ordered the divisions of McLaws and Hood, holding his line on the right of the assaulting column, to advance to battle.

  20. As the assaulting column went forward the Union guns turned on it, cutting gaps in it at each discharge.

  21. This led the enemy to believe he had silenced them effectively, and the assaulting column went forward.

  22. The position thus gained was an indispensable one to the operations on the main lines, by affording a place for the assembling of assaulting columns within striking distance of the enemy's main intrenchments.

  23. The enemy were driven from their lines, but immediately retook them, every officer of the assaulting column being killed or wounded save two.

  24. The camp was defended by a rampart and by a double ditch, but on went the assaulting soldiers over all the obstacles, pushing their way with their bayonets, and carrying all before them.

  25. To Birney's Division was assigned the task of assaulting this position, and at five o'clock P.

  26. The Third Corps was held in reserve in rear of the Chancellorsville house, having arrived at that point at about the time that the assaulting columns moved forward to the attack.

  27. Instead of assaulting the place at the earliest practicable moment, they granted Prevost, the British commander at Savannah, an armistice of twenty-four hours, during which he received reinforcements and set them at defiance.

  28. Seldom could a man carry to a successful end a battle he had begun against the innocent; so, to give them a better plea for assaulting the enemy, he must be provoked to attack them first.

  29. The Danes were penned inside the hall, and when the fire began to spread, battered vainly at the doors; but they could not get out, and soon attempted to make a sally by assaulting the wall.

  30. An assaulting party of 500 men, commanded by Major Wright, were detailed to attack the battery, after it had been cannonaded by Captain Huger with the battering guns.

  31. To the right of this assaulting party Garland's brigade took position within supporting distance.

  32. And for two months there did not seem to be an hour when he was not assaulting the window.

  33. But in assaulting a mountain, as in assaulting a fort, boldness is the watchword.

  34. While Grose, of Preston, was assaulting Hazen and Wood this attack on the Union left began.

  35. There were half the men of the Watch there--they wanted me for assaulting a beadle.

  36. Some years ago I talked with a Yankee soldier who was in one of the assaulting columns at this place, who described the situation there in front of the Confederate lines as, "a hell on earth.

  37. Hill to "hurry, it is a critical time at the front; the enemy has been driven from his breastworks and camps, but there are not enough men of the assaulting column left to occupy and hold the works.

  38. The officer of the guard came running up, and I complained that the three were assaulting me and endeavouring to hinder my approach to the prince.

  39. They boast that their quickness in assaulting and evading the blow, is the most useful part of the art of war.

  40. But I have no occasion for the testimonies and experience of others, having myself so often frightened away troops of assaulting savages, armed with a gun which I never once fired.

  41. Having reached their objective, the assaulting troops must hold their ground.

  42. Generally, the creeping barrage, timed beforehand, is loosed at the same moment of time as the assaulting wave.

  43. The first two assaulting waves broke against the double line of enemy trenches, flanked by redoubts and salients armed with mortars and machine-guns.

  44. After furious hand-to-hand fighting, the Wiltshire and Worcestershire Regiments broke the assaulting waves and inflicted "frightful" losses on the enemy.

  45. These attacks were particularly fierce to the north-west of the village and in the vicinity of the windmill, on the night of August 16, when six assaulting waves were broken by the British artillery barrage-fire.

  46. Belloy was almost entirely reconquered, and when in the evening a new counter-attack was launched, their assaulting waves were literally mowed down.

  47. Several assaulting waves, composed of soldiers from the Prussian Guard, were successively launched against the hurriedly consolidated positions, but were each time mowed down by artillery barrages.

  48. After an effective "pounding" by the guns which annihilated all obstacles to a considerable depth, the assaulting waves went forward simultaneously along a 24-mile front, feeling for a weak sector where a breach could be made.

  49. Considerable time was spent in preparations for assaulting this formidable post, but on seeing the preparations made by the English generals for a siege, the French set fire to the magazines and buildings, and retired to Crown Point.

  50. Captain Campbell posted his company in St. Joseph's church, and there fired a volley upon an assaulting party.

  51. But it would be worth a very great deal of money to get back the papers that Dalton must have stolen after assaulting my sick friend, yonder, on board the 'Constant.

  52. Dalton, after assaulting Bert Clodis, or having it done, must have rifled his pockets and found one set.

  53. Walden's Point and up the Aghyl Dere, pass through the left covering force, assault Koja Chemen Tepe, and occupy a line from Koja Chemen Tepe to the head of Kur Dere, thus joining up with the right assaulting column.

  54. An assaulting party of sixty men was to dash across the thirty yards of No Man's Land, take the opposing trench and transpose the Turkish parapet.

  55. To get troops quickly and secretly from Anzac to the outposts and to the foot of the deres up which the assaulting columns must approach the Turk, it was necessary to widen the communication trench known as the "Big Sap.

  56. August 6, a movement which would enable the right assaulting column to get within striking distance of Chunuk Bair with a minimum of fatigue.

  57. This force would be able to hold out a helping hand to the new army landing at Suvla, and would also protect the left flank of the left assaulting column moving up the Aghyl Dere.

  58. Taking advantage of what little cover was available, the left flank threw out little parties to get in touch with the Left Assaulting Column, which, as we know, consisted of the 4th Australian Brigade and the 29th Indian Brigade.

  59. The greater loss of the Confederates can be accounted for when it is remembered that they were the assaulting party--the enemy's superior position, formidable entrenchments, and greater amount of artillery.

  60. It was the intention of Lee to so silence the enemy's batteries that the assaulting column would be rid of this dangerous annoyance.

  61. Never perhaps were their nerves so strung up as the few moments they awaited in suspense the success or reverse of the assaulting column, bending every effort to catch the first command of "forward.

  62. Kemper and Garnett were on the right of the assaulting column, with Armstead as support, all Virginians and of Pickett's Division.

  63. When they saw the assaulting column within probably one hundred feet of the works I passed the word as well as it could be passed for everybody to retire.

  64. The officers of McLaws' assaulting column protested against the night attack, preferring daylight for such important work, which in the end was granted.

  65. Longstreet moved McLaws up near to the right of the assaulting columns in two lines, Semmes and Wofford in the front and Barksdale and Kershaw in the rear lines as support.

  66. I repeat it, was there ever an assaulting column better braced or supported?

  67. We were continually under arms, either on a forced march night and day, checking the enemy here, baffling him there, driving back his advance lines, or assaulting his skirmishers.

  68. Under this misapprehension, General Longstreet gave the fatal order for the assaulting columns to retire, and all the support back to their entrenchments.

  69. General Trimble was ordered to close up and fill the depleted ranks, which was done in splendid style, and on the assaulting columns sped.

  70. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "assaulting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.