Their appearance is like the season of spring, which arrays all earthly beings in a new garment, and gives them a new life.
Who arrays himself in other men’s garments is stripped on the highway.
And yet the propagator of this infamous Abolition doctrine of a "White Basis" representation--this demagogue who arrays the poor against slaveholders, is the man for the ultra guardians of the slave interests of the South!
The Queen meanwhile arrays herself in male attire, so that she may compete in physical attractions with Fantasca.
To foil Brother Pelican, Falka arrays herself in a suit of Arthur's, and then boldly decides to personate her brother.
We must show that our Government is strong enough not only to control, but also destroy, the interest which arrays itself in arms and war against it.
He never could associate the idea of any kind of personal care-taking with her dainty leisure, more than with the lilies of the field, though they never appeared in as many graceful arrays as she.
The whole arrangement beautifully illustrates that wise and tender regard for the interests of all the parties concerned, which arrays the Mosaic system in robes of glory, and causes it to shine as the sun in the kingdom of our Father.
Another strong objection to the doctrine we oppose, is, it arrays God's secret decrees against his revealed word.
How terror-stricken the gaze of these eyes before which God arrays the deeds of a life, seen for the first time in their true character!
The psalm arrays her in garments gleaming with gold, which symbolise splendour and glory, and in embroidered robes, which suggest the patient use of the slow needle, and the variegated harmony of colour attained at last.
With sucharrays of excellences peculiar to a Buddha-country is that Buddha-country adorned.
He arrays skilfully the facts and reasonings which British inquirers have adduced in favor of Sir Philip Francis, and the other most probable author, Lord George Sackville.
Abhimanyu said, 'Desiring victory to my sires, soon shall I in battle penetrate into that firm, fierce and foremost of arrays formed by Drona.
But the panoply in which the psalmist's faitharrays Jehovah, is purely imaginative and, of course, has nothing parallel in the martyr's vision.
As in the earlier metaphor weeping was transformed into joy, here mourning is turned into dancing, and God's hand unties the cord which loosely bound the sackcloth robe, and arrays the mourner in festival attire.
For the reasons specified, the backboned animals provide the richest arrays of these series, and such histories as those of horses and elephants have taken their places in zoölogical science as classics.
The bridegroom buys a nuptial cloth, which is blessed by the priest at the same time with the tali, and in this the bride arrays herself, when the marriage ceremonial is ended.
That over, the bridegroom arrayshimself in his finest garments.
Devoid of leaves in this leafy month, the bingum arrays itself in a robe of royal red.
Disaster is hovering over us," he said, sadly, "Death too arrays himself on the side of our enemies!
Who thinks lightly of it, arrays against himself an enemy stronger than a whole army, and less open to entreaty than death.
Behind the embroidered curtains of his pavilion sits Achilles, in perfumed raiment, while in harness of gilt and silver the friend of his soul arrays himself to go forth to the fight.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "arrays" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.