They also shared in common with them, the political disabilities which appertainedto all Strangers, whether the servants of Jewish masters, or the masters of Jewish servants.
They also shared in common with them the political disabilities which appertained to all Strangers, whether the servants of Jewish masters, or the masters of Jewish servants.
They also shared in common with them the political disabilities which appertainedto all Strangers, whether servants of Jewish masters, or masters of Jewish servants.
The causes of vavasors or vavasories appertained to the cognizance of this court, where wills were proved, judgment and execution given, cases criminal and civil determined.
In that of Israel the government of the national religion appertained not to the priests and Levites, otherwise than as they happened to be of the Sanhedrim, or Senate, to which they had no right at all but by election.
They, and all that appertained to them, went down alive into the pit, and the earth closed upon them: and they perished from among the congregation.
The Swiss Canton of Neufchâtel, which appertained to the government of Prussia, revolted against that government.
In the committee Mr. Hume objected to the first clause, which appertained to the increased number of councillors, as only making an addition to despotism; but the clause was carried by a large majority.
My married wife was well capable of taking care of herself in anything that appertained to the strife of tongues.
He went in a better way about the matter, in order to prove himself a worthy minister of the parish, taking such a vital interest in all that appertained to it, that no man could take his bishopric from him.
Those bells, then, we may be sure, appertained exclusively to the service of the Round Towers.
The other legions then sent their excuses by their tribunes and centurions of the first class, denied their hesitations and fears, and pretended that they had never given any judgment upon the war, as that appertained only to the general.
The land of Gilead had the same characteristics that appertained to the region on the other side of the Jordan.
After Adam and Eve had been instructed in all that appertained to agriculture, Gabriel brought them a lamb and showed Adam how to slay it in the name of God, how to shear off the wool, and skin the sheep.
Timidly, therefore, I hazarded the inquiry, whether "Mr. Hartley knew the exact circle of society which Santonier and his companions appertained to?
The second bore a lower Stamp, and appertained to the middle order of society.
Korah, and all their goods, they and all that appertainedunto them, went down alive into the pit, and the earth closed upon them, and they perished from among the congregation.
At the time of the Norman Conquest, the estate of Kinlet appertainedto Editha, Edward the Confessor's widow, and in after years passed successively to the houses of Cornewall and of Blount.
At the time of Domesday Survey, the Manor of Madeley appertained to Wenlock Priory; and in Edward the First's reign the Priors obtained the King's license to enclose a park from the neighbouring Forest of Mount Gilbert.
The functions of the two deputies seem to have differed, and those of the latter to have related more particularly to whatsoever appertained to religion.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "appertained" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.