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Example sentences for "anoon"

Lexicographically close words:
anon; anone; anonymity; anonymous; anonymously; anorexia; anorthic; anos; anothah; anotheh
  1. And anoon they wenten into seynt Jones feld, and there they founden alle the arrysers.

  2. And anoon after Pentecost the kyng seiled over the see to Caleys, and passyd forth into Fraunce.

  3. This knave anoon unto the quene him dighte, And took hit her, and al the maner tolde.

  4. And for dispeyr out of his witte he sterte, 660 And roof him-self anoon through-out the herte Er that he ferther wente out of the place.

  5. How sore that ye men conne grone, Anoon as we have yow receyved!

  6. And she anoon up roos, with blisful chere, And kiste him, as of wyves is the wone.

  7. And whan thou hast of ought knowing, Loke that thou warne me, And I anoon shal telle thee How fer that thou art now therfro.

  8. Whan that this leonesse hath dronke her fille, Aboute the welle gan she for to winde, And right anoon the wimpel gan she finde, And with her blody mouth hit al to-rente.

  9. O deeth, sin with this sorwe I am a-fyre, Thou outher do me anoon yn teres drenche, 510 Or with thy colde strook myn hete quenche!

  10. But Troilus lay tho no lenger doun, But up anoon up-on his stede bay, And in the feld he pleyde tho leoun; Wo was that Greek that with him mette that day.

  11. For to what fyn he wolde anoon pretende, That knowe I wel; and for-thy yet I seye, So leef this sorwe, or platly he wol deye.

  12. But nedes day departe moste hem sone, And whanne hir speche doon was and hir chere, 1710 They twinne anoon as they were wont to done, And setten tyme of meting eft y-fere; And many a night they wroughte in this manere.

  13. Dukes of this dymme place, Anoon undo thise yates, That Crist may come in, The kynges sone of hevene!

  14. And happed, al alone as sche was born, He saugh a mayde walkyng him by-forn, Of which mayden anoon maugre hir heed, By verray fors byraft hir maydenhed.

  15. And Troilus anoon the cause hir tolde, And how himself ther-with he wolde have slawe.

  16. And therwith-al Criseyde anoon he kiste, 1275 Of which, certeyn, she felte no disese.

  17. Tho lough this Pandare, and anoon answerde, 'And I thy borw?

  18. O deeth, sin with this sorwe I am a-fyre, Thou outher do me anoon in teres drenche, 510 Or with thy colde strook myn hete quenche!

  19. For which this emperour hath sent anoon 960 His senatour, with royal ordinance, And othere lordes, got wot, many oon, On Surriens to taken heigh vengeance.

  20. Cecile him took and buried him anoon By Tiburce and Valerian softely, Withinne hir burying-place, under the stoon.

  21. For soothly, the grace of the holy goost fareth lyk fyr, that may nat been ydel; for fyr faileth anoon as it forleteth his wirkinge, and right so grace fayleth anoon as it forleteth his werkinge.

  22. Whan Melibeus hadde herd that the gretteste partie of his conseil weren accorded that he sholde maken werre, anoon he consented to hir conseilling, and fully affermed hir sentence.

  23. For I wol be, certeyn, a wedded man, 1405 And that anoon in al the haste I can, Un-to som mayde fair and tendre of age.

  24. They Anoon to shippe every man̄ all took ship without With vitaile and with store, 768 delay.

  25. Be strong of hert, and voyde anoon hir place, heart And thilke dower that ye broughten me that Tak it agayn, I graunt it of my grace.

  26. Than of my peyne I gan to lisse, And to the rose anoon wente I, And kissid it ful feithfully.

  27. Right here anoon thou shalt be shriven, And sey thy sinne withoute more; Of this shall thou repente sore; For I am preest, and have poustee To shryve folk of most dignitee 7680 That been, as wyde as world may dure.

  28. For Thought anoon than shal biginne, As fer, god wot, as he can finde, 2805 To make a mirrour of his minde; For to biholde he wol not lette.

  29. Anoon Resoun to Chastitee 3055 Is fully assented that it be, And grauntid hir, at hir request, That Shame, bicause she is honest, Shal keper of the roser be.

  30. To Daunger, Shame and Drede anoon The righte wey ben [bothe a]-goon.

  31. Than aftir, ful deliverly, 3005 Through the breres anoon wente I, Wherof encombred was the hay.

  32. Whenne nyght come the kniᵹte enterid into the bed of the mayde, and anoon he was aslepe, and she dude of hir harnes, and come and laye downe by him.

  33. And anoon he clepide him; and Zebede, her fadir, left in the boot with hirid seruantis, their sueden hym.

  34. And anoon he styinge vp of the water, sayth heuenes openyd, and the Holy Goost cummynge doun as a culuere, and dwellynge in hym.

  35. And thei wenten forth in to Cafarnaum, and anoon in the sabotis he gon yn into the synagoge, taughte them.

  36. And the tale, or tything, of hym wente forth anoon in to al the cuntree of Galilee.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "anoon" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.