Scrooge promised that he would; and they went on, invisible, as they had been before, into the suburbs of the town.
And they cling to me, appealing from their fathers.
Trina cooked the chops, and theybreakfasted in silence.
That's what I was to have had, and they ain't going to come.
Roderick was punctual, eagerly punctual, and they went.
And they go again because they are charmed," said Rowland.
There must be three or four men," Rowland said, "and they must be brought here quickly.
Rowland, on his side, was not without provision for reflection, and they lingered on in broken, desultory talk.
However, it was concluded that I should give them the heads of our complaints in writing, and they promis'd then to consider them.
This daily expectation of sailing, and all the three paquets going down to Sandy Hook, to join the fleet there, the passengers thought it best to be on board, lest by a sudden order the ships should sail, and they be left behind.
They were sensible of the difference: it strengthened the hands of our friends in the House, and they voted us their printers for the year ensuing.
This was resented by the Godfreys; we differ'd, and they removed, leaving me the whole house, and I resolved to take no more inmates.
It was the colour of milk; but the children did not have their father's sense of humour, and they looked at him reproachfully as he poured the medicine into Nana's bowl.
It looked delightfully easy, and they tried it first from the floor and then from the beds, but they always went down instead of up.
In the black topper the light was completely hidden, and they flew on in silence.
The rock was slippery as a ball, and they had to crawl rather than climb.
And they don't know what to do about going to bed for fear of locking her out.
And as soon as he could thoroughly fancy he was doing wrong and committing the seventh, 'a got to like her as well as ever, and they lived on a perfect picture of mutel love.
In the solemn hush which precedes the dawn vague figures flitted soundless along the dim hall and gathered silent and awed in Helen's chamber, and grouped themselves about her bed, for a warning had gone forth, and they knew.
The doctor jumped at his wife's plan, and they took up the hunchback, and passing cords under his armpits they let him down into the purveyor's bed-room so gently that he really seemed to be leaning against the wall.
But when they had made their preparation, and theybegan to buy the merchandise we needed, they found they had spent every piece of the thousand sequins I had given them.
I rose and saluted them, and they spoke to me in return, but I could not understand a word of their language.
The Caliph then returned to the vizir, and they set to work in Scheih Ibrahim's house to cook the fish, of which they made so tempting a dish that Noureddin and the fair Persian ate of it with great relish.
They believed that true democracy sprang from the virtue of a white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant civilization, and they wanted to protect it against alien subversion.
During the thirties, the communists adopted a united-front policy, and they tried to infiltrate the N.
The police heard that Negroes were on a shooting rampage, and they sent a car to investigate.
In the middle of the fifteenth century, Europeans began regular contact with West Africa, and they left a wide variety of written sources.
Urban whites resented the influx of rural blacks from the South who were pouring into their cities, and they tried to confine the newcomers to dilapidated, older neighborhoods.
The explanation was without effect, however, and they refused to move.
They had my daughter when she was alive," she said, "and they've killed her.
After a while this colored teacher was married to an educated colored man, and they built a little cottage, which, in connection with her husband's farm, was a model.
And they said, Nay; but we will abide in the street all night.
And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
And they returned, and came to Enmishpat, which is Kadesh, and smote all the country of the Amalekites, and also the Amorites, that dwelt in Hazezontamar.
And they went in unto Noah into the ark, two and two of all flesh, wherein is the breath of life.
Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
The mare jounced easily along, and they talked of the different houses on either side of the way.
Those sort of people haven't got much business up our way, and they don't come.
They've always had everything, and they wouldn't be so ambitious and uneasy.
Instead of the grey that often dulls this complexion, her eyes were of a blue at once intense and tender, and they seemed to burn on what they looked at with a soft, lambent flame.
And they used to train those ponies wheeling cattle in the scrub: They were demons, were the members of the Geebung Polo Club.
It was the drowsiness of happy, well-fed childhood, and they sat in the fire glow and luxuriated in it until Sara found herself turning to look at her transformed bed.
Sara lifted her up, and they stood on the old table together and leaned on the edge of the flat window in the roof, and looked out.
But others thought this frivolous, and they wore "art fabrics" and barbaric jewelry.
And they sent me to Amsterdam to try for a scholarship, and I won it.
His father was a carpenter, and they dwelt in a little old red-brick house, neat and clean, by the side of a sluggish canal.
Strickland was a weird figure as he lay there, thinner than ever, with his ragged red beard and his eyes staring feverishly into vacancy; his illness seemed to have made them larger, and they had an unnatural brightness.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "and they" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.