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Example sentences for "and set"

  • There was a stack of fagot and small wood on the other side, and our men threw themselves upon it and set to work to stake the road across for a rough defence against the horsemen.

  • Grip the bow, handle the staff, draw the sword, and set on in the name of the Fellowship!

  • But do thou stand by me and set me right if I order them wrong: but the rest of you go play!

  • We will get a sheet from Mrs. Duncan and tuck over him, to keep these swarms of insects away, and set Hall on guard, while we find the officers.

  • He sent the cudgel whirling skyward, dexterously caught it, and set it spinning.

  • But if you are determined you won't, and set yourself to breathing deep and strong, and hang on to me tight, I can get you out.

  • She lifted the lovely pictured face and set it in the nook of his arm.

  • Then a boiler blew up in a big factory beside the little house and set it on fire.

  • Even so," said Aladdin "but thou canst take me to the palace, and set me down under my dear wife's window.

  • At night the princess said good-bye to her father, and set out on the carpet for Aladdin's palace, with his mother at her side, and followed by the hundred slaves.

  • But my brothers began to be jealous of my prosperity, and set to work to plot against my life.

  • Marzavan was rejoiced, and set out at once for Prince Camaralzaman's residence.

  • She took these with her to please the Sultan, and set out, trusting in the lamp.

  • Beth cherished them all the more tenderly for that very reason, and set up a hospital for infirm dolls.

  • Funny angels in hoods and mittens," said Jo, and set them to laughing.

  • Harris and I gathered him up and set him on a stone, and by that time the men and women had scampered down and brought his cap.

  • There we shouldered our knapsacks and things, and set out on foot, in a tremendous rain, up the winding gorge, toward Zermatt.

  • After that they made ready for their journey, and then they rode to the Thing, and set up their booths, and fitted them out well.

  • So Flosi and his men came up to the house, and set men to watch round the house, if there were any secret doors in it.

  • Then Kari bought him land at Dyrholms, east away by Mydale, and set up a farm there; they put in there a grieve and housekeeper to see after the farm, but they themselves were ever with Njal.

  • Earl Hacon heard these tidings, and made them make Kol an outlaw over all his realm, and set a price upon his head.

  • They took off the roof of my house, removed the engine, and set to work.

  • At supper-time the maid filled the pan with milk, and set it on the fire for the children's supper.

  • If you get to the town, they will turn you into an irrigating ditch, and set you to watering crops.

  • Don't wake him up, and set him to crying, now; it would make a devil of a fuss with the gal.

  • Did He not say that his, mission, in all ages, was to bind up the broken-hearted, and set at liberty them that are bruised?

  • I thought, if he loved me as he said he did, and if I was what he seemed to think I was, he would be willing to marry me and set me free.

  • He got food at a hut, and set off at once up the wooded hill above it, which is a promontory of the plateau.

  • He gave me good-morning quite in a friendly tone, and set to posting up the books as if he had never misbehaved in his days.

  • So one morning I packed enough food for a day or two, tied my sleeping-bag on my saddle, and set off to explore, after appointing the elder of the Dutchmen foreman of the job in my absence.

  • The men nodded, and set to work to make a kind of litter out of their knobkerries and some old ropes they carried.

  • Come to us and find us all a-dying, and set a light to us all where we lie and let us all blaze away with the house into a heap of cinders sooner than move a corpse of us there!

  • Bradley rose early, and set out on foot for Plashwater Weir Mill Lock.

  • It appears to this potentate, that what the man in question should have done, would have been, to buy the young woman a boat and a small annuity, and set her up for herself.

  • I traced out the rivers, and I calculated distances; we talked over imaginary campaigns, and set up fanciful constitutions.

  • He jumped at me, cabled offering me what he called his Military Secretaryship, and I got seconded, and set off.

  • With this he made a dish of gruel, and set it by the bedside.

  • And the young King plucked a spray of wild briar that was climbing over the balcony, and bent it, and made a circlet of it, and set it on his own head.

  • When they are glad they go to the bird-sellers and buy of them a caged bird, and set it free that their joy may be greater, and when they are sad they scourge themselves with thorns that their sorrow may not grow less.

  • I seized my hat, and set off to offer myself as your escort.

  • I left her, and set forth to pave the way for discovery--the dark and doubtful way, which began at the lawyer's door.

  • He laid an emphasis on the last words which made my cheeks burn, and set my heart beating as if it would stifle me.

  • The ostler threw his straw away and set to his preparations.

  • The air struck with a little chill, and set me coughing.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "and set" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    and all; and built; and came; and did; and from; and his; and laughed; and looked; and out; and set; and she; and that; and thee; and thy; and well; and went; and when; and while; and you; brief instant; each about; often seen; she held; what things; where were; whereby the