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Example sentences for "ancient town"

  • It is an ancient town, and was once a member of the Hanseatic Union.

  • Dublin is an ancient town, but its early history is obscure.

  • In twenty minutes I reached the remains of an ancient town, standing on a piece of level ground, but with few houses remaining.

  • Just by this reservoir are the ruins of an ancient town, about a quarter of an hour in circuit, of which nothing remains but large heaps of stones.

  • In one hour and twenty minutes we came to Kon Szafra, in a fertile valley on the top of the mountain, where a few families live in wretched huts amidst the ruins of an ancient town.

  • Here then must have stood the ancient town of Arca, where Alexander Severus was born: the hill was probably the citadel, or a temple may have stood on its top.

  • Amiens, an ancient town, noted for its cathedral, its tapestry weaving, and the feat of Jeanne-Hachette and her female following when the town was besieged by Charles the Bold.

  • When the colour inclines to a violet tint, the stone is often called Syrian garnet, a name said to be taken from Syriam, an ancient town of Pegu.

  • Thyateira was an ancient town re-peopled with Macedonians by Seleucus about 290 B.

  • From Torisi we learn that Sobar was the most ancient town of Oman; but that in his day Maskat was flourishing, and that 'in old times the China ships used to sail from there.

  • Hitherto on our maps Aydab has been placed near Mohammed Gol, but, as there are no traces of ruins there except the towers to which we shall presently allude, this position for an ancient town is untenable.

  • Tibur an ancient town of Latium, now Tivoli.

  • Defn: Pertaining to Hybla, an ancient town of Sicily, famous for its bees.

  • St. Albans is an ancient town of much historic interest, being built close to the site of the old Roman city of Verulamium.

  • Lichfield, though an ancient town, has now a modern appearance, but is interesting on account of its beautiful cathedral and its association with Dr.

  • Norwich is an ancient town, but very little is known with certainty about it anterior to the Danish invasions.

  • Following down the Severn River from Shrewsbury, we come to Bridgenorth, an ancient town planted on a steep hill, full of quaint houses, and having an old covered market where the country-people gather on Saturdays.

  • It is an ancient town, appearing in the Domesday Book under the name of Dorchinges, and standing on the route which Julius Cæsar took through these hills on his invasion of Britain.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ancient town" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    ancient and modern times; ancient authors; ancient church; ancient city; ancient days; ancient family; ancient history; ancient languages; ancient learning; ancient literature; ancient people; ancient period; ancient philosophy; ancient pottery; ancient times; ancient town; ancient tradition; ancient writers; chief executive; gunshot wounds; know each; love with; marked thus; please don; rapid marches; what remained