Soon appears Blackrock, a small promontory, on which is a structure suggesting an ancient castle, built on a tongue of land extending into the clear water of the river.
It has the remains of an ancient castle, and some of the old walls of the city are yet standing.
The ceiling has oak mouldings and deep panels, said to be copies from an ancient castle.
Cathedral in the empire, being nothing but the parish church: near it is Lough Outer, where stand the ruins of an ancient Castle on a small island, remarkable as the prison of the good Bishop Bedell, during the rebellion of 1641.
Ancient Castle built by Hugh Lacy, Earl of Ulster, in 1178.
Rostellan, the seat of the Marquis of Thomond, with a fine view of Cork harbour, and built on the ruins of an ancient Castle.
On the left we remarked the venerable and extensive remains of la Bathia, an ancient castle, formerly inhabited by the Bishops of Sion.
There is a camera obscura placed in an ancient castle, which projects into the fiver, and which we admired extremely.
Almost every eminence is crowned with an ancient castle, and there is scarcely a reach of the river which does not exhibit some ruin in the boldest situation that can be imagined.
In the neighbourhood traces of an ancient castle, on an eminence, are still discernable.
Here are some slight remains of an ancient castle, supposed to have been erected in the reign of King John.
Hard by the village, and above a height which dominated the country round about, there was an ancient castle abandoned by its owners.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ancient castle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.