Dey hire dem for de season, Und because moosh rain ish fell, Dey alvays bays a higher brice, For a man mit an umberell.
In fillages deserted He hear de Uhu moan; For you alvays hear der Uhu[40] Vhere der Uhu-lan ish gone.
Im Mittelalter I hafe read De shoorsh vas alvays sure- An open bicdure gallerie, Und book for all de poor.
Dere's a cerdain lot of shwearin, Vitch anger alvays crafes; Boot spite like dat's enof to pring De tead men from deir craves.
He alvays does t'ings in hantsome shdyle, you bed you.
Ven dere is mourning in a house dey cannot alvays get together ten friends for de services, so I make von.
It is alvays a beaudiful night ven I am mid you," added Yankele, undaunted.
You know dere arealvays legacies, gifts, distributions--all unexpected.
I'd have keepened it for alvays wrapped up, and then I could have alvays thought perhaps it was a fairy thing like.
It's very unkind of God to make it seem that I'm alvays naughty.
I think the worst is when people alvays says you're naughty when you're not.
Here shall I not have to be alvays ze Baron von Blitzenberg, oldest noble in Bavaria, hereditary carpet-beater to ze Court!
Alvays you vimmen are too soon; it may be he are goot, it may be he are pad; I do not know.
It is not alvays to vork, ven one is young," she said.
In helt und sickness, shoy und pain, In calm or shtormy veddher, 'T was beddher dot dhose oaks und vines Should alvays gling togeddher.
Ve vas alvays tinking he vos a bachelor mans, yoost like most of dem young mans as come to dese countries.
Alvays happy ter see you again vhen you comes, sure.
Vhen he go in de post-office she alvays smile awful sveet at Hugo, and dere's dem as say she vere pretty mad because he don't never pay no attention.
Dere's McGurn's gal over to the store as looked like she vanted bad to make lofe to him; alvays runnin' after Hugo, she vos.
Zat is shust vat I alvays say: zat is vat I go to say ven you interrup me; ven ze Kaiser shall zink it is time to teach ze vorld zat Business are Business!
How I lofes to see dot Shonny-- Shonny Schwartz-- Vhen he schgampers off to schgool, Vhere he alvays minds der rule!
You know my opinion apout that," resumed the host, "I alvays said he vould turn up.
Ah," he remarked, "that vasalvays a faforite song of mine.
Once we spoke of it, and she exclaimed in her excited way: "Yes, I amalvays Waacker.
In belt und sickness, shoy und pain, In calm or shtormy veddher, 'Tvas beddher dot dhose oaks und vines Should alvays gling togedder.
I vonder vat he pring me--he alvays prings me sometings nice--de last dime it vos seven yards of sourkraut done up mit blue paper an’ a hay rope.
Then you're alvays sure o' a ready market somehow," observed the Sandman.
I told you the beaks vos our best friends; they alvays takes our parts.
I gives that toast 'cos they're alvays so kind to us dog-fanciers.
He seemed to vake oop, for a minid, und now he iss like he alvays iss.
Ven he has some goot fordunes, he has to pass dem aroundt to der fellers vat iss mit him--vich means me, for I vas alvays aroundt.
But, if I may joodge from zee stones ant scoriae around," said the professor, "zee volcano is not alvays so peaceful as it is joost now.
My little frond is obstinate sometimes," remarked the naturalist, picking up the fruit, "but ven I bring my glasses to bear on him he alvays gives in.
I mind me vot mine fader said Vonce vhen I vas a poy, Mit meeschief alvays in mine head, Und fool of life und shoy.
I should be villing to listen to abuse for ein hour if alvays der vas a kiss at de ent of it.
Dose teufel of geniuses of de common people hafe alvays ten vays of making money, and ein dozen vays of spending it," said the Baron to himself, quite unconscious that Panurge had thought the same thing.
I am not a cat to keep me alvays clean--no more as a hogk to keep me always not clean.
I sink mine hussbandt never be satisfied viss a vorld not full of vorms and bugs; and I am glad to stay alvays viss mine hussbandt.
I alvays make a bracdice uf doin' a cash pusiness.
Sam, "alvays a goin' on about werdicks and alleybis, and that.
Them things as is alvays a fluctooatin', and gettin' theirselves inwolved somehow or another vith the national debt, and the checquers bills, and all that.
Them things as is alvays a goin' up and down, in the City.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "alvays" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.