The altimeter indicated a height of twelve thousand feet, and the "Golden Hind" was still rising.
He consulted the altimeter and the speed indicator.
Over the eastern lakes he cut fusion and watched on the altimeter dial the battle between gravity and inertia.
He complied, watching thealtimeter trace forty miles toward the basement, and experienced effects no different than usual.
The miles altimeter needle swept steadily and was about to pass the 300 division.
With her altimeter indicating the height she wanted, she leveled off again; then, executing a sharp reverse control or "flipper" turn to the left she resumed straight flight again by the application of up aileron and opposite rudder.
The active needles of the altimeter and rate of climb indicator were the only visible signs that Will-o'-the-Wisp was moving at all.
When the altimeter marked thirteen thousand she began to worry, for the service ceiling of her plane was but two thousand higher.
By this time the indicator on Will-o'-the-Wisp's altimeter marked a height of between eight and nine thousand feet.
He snapped a glance at the radar altimeter and punched a button.
He took a fast look at the radar altimeter and punched the full battery of braking rockets again.
A single large radarscope, a radar altimeter and other electronic equipment provided analogs of the outside world; the reconstruction of the exterior environment painted on the scopes by electromagnetic impulses.
The radar altimeter showed the Aztec slightly more than one thousand miles above the earth's surface.
Crag touched the braking rockets from time to time, gently, precisely, keeping his eyes moving between the radar altimeter and speed indicator while the Chief fed him the course data.
Crag glanced worriedly at the radar altimeter and hit the braking rockets harder.
Crag looked worriedly at the radar altimeter and hit the braking rockets harder.
And then the altimeter needle was at four thousand feet!
As he spoke the last he squinted at the altimeter dial that was just faintly visible in the pale glow of the single instrument board light.
At just about that same time Dave saw that his altimeter needle was right on the eighteen thousand foot mark.
He snapped a glance at his altimeter and saw that the needle was at the five thousand foot mark.
The altimeter still showed some fourteen thousand feet of air space below him, but objects on the ground were becoming clearer by the minute.
He flew on, with nothing but crawling, drifting mist visible below him, dropped down again and peered over the side, down and down again until his altimeter showed him to be a bare couple of hundred feet up.
The altimeter needle ceased its drop, trembled and even rose .
Leclair peered from under knit brows at the altimeter needle and the inclinometer.
Still heading sharply upward, with altimeter needle steadily mounting, with the cold becoming ever greater, the liner flung herself out boldly over the jet plain of ocean.
They went back to the aeroplane together, and Sherbrand reached over and unhooked the altimeterfrom a board in the pilot's cockpit, and the bearded man examined it, and then cordially shook hands.
He looked at the altimeter and said I should receive a definite answer within a couple of days.
A glance at his altimeter confirmed the impression.
His altimeter showed that he was gradually losing elevation.
He was nosing up as he touched the blue--straight up--and he held the vertical climb till the altimeter before him registered sixty thousand.
The altimeter is another very important part of the equipment.
The altimeter now registered 1800 meters, considerably over a mile high.
You are in doubt whether the altimeter can be relied on?
Already it was very cold, though my altimeter only marked nine thousand.
Just as I reached the cloud-banks, with the altimeter marking three thousand, down came the rain.
Bob leveled off, they soared ahead, came partly around and climbed again at easy stages until the altimeter registered twelve hundred feet.
Again I switched on the little light, and a glance at my altimeter showed that I was up eleven thousand feet, therefore I pushed straight along in the direction of that red glare.
That afternoon I spent with Theed tuning up in the yard, running the dynamo, making tests of the searchlight, manipulating the dual controls, and seeing to my altimeter and other instruments.
Crossing to her, I glanced at her self-registering altimeter and saw that she had been up over eight thousand feet.
The contour of the earth is quite indistinguishable when one is half a mile high, therefore the altimeter is not of very great use--and more especially so at night.
With one eye upon the altimeter I peered over, hoping to pick up some landmark, but I could find absolutely none.
My altimeter showed three thousand three hundred feet, and before me were other clouds drifting rapidly in my direction.
My altimeter then showed 2,800 feet and all went well for ten minutes, or so, until just as I approached the railway line near Heathfield, we became suddenly blinded by the white beam of a searchlight from below.
The needle on the altimeter dial was jumping crazily and Jane shook her head.
Another innovation was the sensitive barometric altimeter so delicate as to measure the altitude of the airplane within a few feet of the ground.
The altimeterbegan to mark up--fifteen hundred, eighteen hundred, two thousand.
The altimeter told him he was at the height of seventeen thousand feet,--now he had reached eighteen, nineteen, twenty thousand!
Now the altimeterwas spinning, and in eighteen seconds they had already reached twenty thousand feet.
The weight of two and a half G's weighed against them as the altimeter screen started scrolling upward.
Radar altimeter will provide data for second iteration of calculations in thirty-six minutes.
The altimeter had become a whirling blur as attitude increased to twenty degrees, held just below stall-out by Petra's augmented control system.
The dive took even less time than the climb, with the altimeter scrolling.
The altimeter registers the height at which the plane is flying.
A weld in the exhaust manifold broke, and the manifold vibrated badly; leaks sprang in the reserve gas tanks in the cockpit, and then--the altimeter broke.
He brought the ’bus round again and let her drop until the altimeter showed a bare two hundred feet above the ground and peered carefully down for any indication of his whereabouts.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "altimeter" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.