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Example sentences for "alieno"

Lexicographically close words:
alienation; alienations; alienis; alienist; alienists; aliens; alienum; alight; alighted; alighting
  1. What Quintilian says of Seneca applies very aptly to Dryden: "Velles eum suo ingenio dixisse, alieno judicio.

  2. They must not therefore compel or intrude; [5872]quis enim (as Fabius urgeth) amare alieno animo potest?

  3. Feliciter is sapit, qui periculo alieno sapit=--He is happily wise who is wise at the expense of another.

  4. Nemo punitur pro alieno delicto=--No one must be punished for the fault of another.

  5. Patriæ fumus igne alieno luculentior=--The smoke of our own country is brighter than fire in a foreign one.

  6. Bonum est fugienda aspicere in alieno malo=--Well if we see in the misfortune of another what we should shun ourselves.

  7. Alieno in loco haud stabile regnum est=--Sovereignty 25 over a foreign land is insecure.

  8. Ne depugnes in alieno negotio=--Do not take up the cudgels in another man's affairs.

  9. Alieno more vivendum est mihi=--I must live according to another's humour.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "alieno" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.