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Example sentences for "airstrip"

Lexicographically close words:
airplanes; airport; airs; airship; airships; airt; airth; airthly; airtight; airts
  1. Curiosity moved many workmen to line the airstrip to watch the take-off of the evening patrol.

  2. Japanese troops advancing past the west end of the airstrip into the thick undergrowth in front of the mobile reserve’s positions.

  3. The gunners enjoyed a perfect, unobstructed field of fire--the airstrip itself.

  4. In addition to the two localities from which specimens were taken, several individuals were seen near the airstrip at Puerto Juarez.

  5. Specimens were collected in rainforestlike vegetation at a small cenote, in low deciduous forest, and at our camp along a large, cleared airstrip four kilometers west-southwest of the village.

  6. Illustration: This Japanese airstrip on Orote Peninsula was one of the prime objectives of the 1st Provisional Marine Brigade in its zone.

  7. The end of the airstrip was unmanned but covered by fire.

  8. Inland from Red Beach Two, Kyle and Jordan managed to get some of their troops across the fire-swept airstrip and all the way to the south coast, a significant penetration.

  9. Shoup gave Jordan an hour to organize and rearm his assorted detachments, then ordered him to attack inland to the airstrip and expand the beachhead.

  10. On Betio, Navy Seabees were already at work repairing the airstrip with bulldozers and graders despite enemy fire.

  11. On 28 November General Krueger moved the Sixth Army command post from Tanauan to Tolosa so that an airstrip could be constructed in the Tanauan area.

  12. Securing the airstrip was to be the main effort of the 184th Infantry.

  13. Because of the lateness of the hour and the fact that observation had shown there were "many more Japanese" on the north of the airstrip than had been estimated by General Swing, it was decided to establish perimeters for the night.

  14. The squadron was expected to secure the peninsula and the airstrip with great speed.

  15. Nearly as important as the capture of the airstrip was the seizure of Hill 522, which commanded the entrance to the broad Leyte Valley at Palo.

  16. One of the other two planes crash-landed on the Buri airstrip and all its occupants were killed.

  17. To cut down the aircraft losses, it was decided to have planes of some of the squadrons use the Bayug airstrip in the Dulag area.

  18. The Tacloban airstrip frequently was "well illuminated" by burning aircraft.

  19. By the end of the day the division had secured the Cataisan Peninsula and the Tacloban airstrip and, after crossing Highway 1, had made physical contact with the right flank of the 24th Infantry Division.

  20. Despite the trail blocks, however, elements of the 16th Division were able to descend upon the Buri airstrip from the mountains southwest of Dagami.

  21. The 1st and 2d Battalions made contact on the edge of the airstrip and formed their night perimeters; the 3d Battalion protected the rear.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "airstrip" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.