In a rock from the vicinity of Narengali a variolitic structure is exhibited in the form of sheaf-like aggregates of fibre-like felspars and skeleton prisms of pyroxene.
These phenocrysts are often aggregates of lesser crystals, or they may be extensively cross-macled.
The smoky glass polarises feebly and displays dark feathery aggregates of microliths.
The small pyroxene phenocrysts consist ofaggregates of smaller crystals of pale augite.
The pyroxene phenocrysts, which are pale brown and give extinctions of over 30° from the single cleavage-lines, may be aggregates of five or six smaller crystals or single crystals presenting sometimes lamellar twinning.
In the slide it appears as a grey glass made up of sheaf-like aggregates of fibre-like crystallites, apparently of felspar, with minute skeleton prisms of pyroxene in parallel arrangement, and is traversed by perlitic cracks.
The rest of the story was not considered proper for printing by Mendieta; but at any rate from these two are mankind descended.
From these investigations, philologists were no less convinced that the Indo-European languages were all of the same stock, than that the Semitic idioms did not belong to it.
Spencer indicated four chief parallelisms between a society and an individual organism:-- (1) Starting as smallaggregates both grow in size.
What Spencer himself says in regard to the selection ofaggregates rather than items, seems half the answer to his difficulty.
There would be a tendency of such aggregates to approach each other.
It will be observed, in reference to the theories we have just considered, that the process of evolution is supposed to take place from the smaller to the larger aggregates of matter.
Some of them would become aggregates of large dimensions, and their attraction would be distinctly felt by other aggregates.
If and in so far as there are things which are more than aggregates of their elements, and are therefore unique, there are things to whose changes no laws of cause and effect are adequate.
It applies to changes which are aggregates or complexes of simpler changes which are like other changes.
Life is another kind of motion in certain aggregates of matter--more mysterious or inexplicable than all others because it cannot be described in terms of the others, and because it defies the art and science of man to reproduce.
Under appropriate conditions increase of size takes place in inorganic aggregates as well as in organic aggregates.
Now we here observe that only Quartz, Hornstone, Tripoli and Obsidian, occur as mineral aggregates in large masses, while all the others are only rare precious stones.
The proper organs of the planet are the mineral aggregates or rocks.
The socialaggregates of savages who know neither cattle-rearing nor agriculture, pp.
The evolution of social aggregatesinfluenced by economic conditions, pp.
Evidently levels, rects, and puncts in their capacity as infinite aggregates cannot be the termini of sense-awareness, nor can they be limits which are approximated to in sense-awareness.
These aggregates will have a common portion, namely the class of event-particle lying in all of them.
Each nucleus aggregates around it a proper zone of dense protoplasm; by two successive mitotic divisions each mass becomes quadri-nucleate, and splits up into four biflagellate, uninucleate zoospores.
Usually in intricate aggregates which may be columnar, fibrous, mammillary, earthy, etc.
So far as they are known to us, the materials of which the earth is composed are minerals grouped into various characteristic aggregates known as rocks.
For crystalline aggregates such terms as fibrous, radiating, massive, or granular have their usual meanings.
Such aggregates are not known as yet from terrestrial sources, although transitional types appear to exist upon the island of Disco off the west coast of Greenland.
For fine aggregates the fracture is described as even, uneven, earthy, etc.
These are among the greatest pleasures and pains of the mature man, though they are aggregates formed by association.
It rests on the assumption (he says), that the primordial elements are themselves unknowable; and that it is only the aggregates compounded of them which are knowable.
Practically, all of this is lost, and in the United States alone the loss aggregates about fifteen million dollars yearly.
The lumber cut annually from these pines aggregates about thirty billion feet.
The oat-crop of the world aggregates more than three billion bushels, surpassing that of wheat or corn in measurement, but not in weight.
The part of the forest area in Canada aggregates one and one-quarter million square miles, and yields an annual product of about eighty million dollars; about one-third of the lumber is exported.
The output of the mines of the United States aggregates about two hundred and forty million long tons yearly, and this is about one-third of the world's product.
The lakes afford a navigable water-way which, measured due east and west, aggregates nearly six hundred miles.
The trade with each aggregates about one hundred and fifty million dollars yearly.
One and one and one and one pebble may be brought together; or two aggregates of the kind called two may be united; or one pebble may be added to an aggregate of the kind called three.
Fragments were encountered throughout the excavation, but were most highly concentrated in features consisting of largeaggregates of stone.
They include unusual aggregates of stone and/or implements, hearths, or any circumstance that appeared atypical of the relatively homogeneous midden deposit as it was understood in 1947.
Large aggregates of stone were common in the Tank Site and are termed features, being composed of large quantities of boulders, whole and broken artifacts, and frequently a segment of human long bone (fig.
The export from them, as we were informed by the courteous editor of "La Opinion," a local paper, aggregates thirty thousand hogsheads annually.
The trade of the place, from the want of water carriage, is inconsiderable, and bears no proportion to the number of its inhabitants, which aggregates nearly thirty-one thousand.
But the reports are not uniform in method and in periods covered, and aggregates derived from them must be used with reserve.
All the elements of one kind which are contained in one or two elements of a different kind form aggregates which have to be enumerated.
We shall now consider the simpler figures which are generated by aggregates of two dimensions.
As some of these cells at an early stage encased themselves by secreting a hardened membrane, they formed the first vegetable cells, while others, remaining naked, developed into the first aggregates of animal cells.
The mere aggregates will not need to be further divided; they are all heterogeneous empires held together by force.
Their conquests formed three great political aggregates or heterogeneous empires, the Spanish Empire in southern and central America, the Indian Empire, and the Russian Empire.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "aggregates" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.