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Example sentences for "adore thee"

  • Thee, Not with the vain forms of that earlier day, But in spirit and truth to adore Thee.

  • That all must love thee who behold thee; Surely experience might have taught Thy firmest promises are naught; But, placed in all thy charms before me, All I forget, but to adore thee.

  • Fair house of joy and bliss Where truest pleasure is, I do adore thee: I know thee what thou art, I serve thee with my heart, And fall before thee.

  • Teach me ever to adore thee, May I still thy goodness prove, While the hope of endless glory Fills my heart with joy and love.

  • I offer Thee these humble prayers for myself and for all who unite with me in spirit to adore Thee.

  • I adore Thee, O God of purity, at the moment when the Holy Ghost formed Thy sacred body in the bosom of the Virgin Mary, and beg of Thee the grace to be always pure.

  • Dear Jesus, divine Infant of incomparable beauty, of infinite goodness, I adore Thee, because Thou art my Redeemer, and I love Thee.

  • O sweet Babe of Bethlehem, I adore Thee in Thy humility.

  • I adore Thee in all the mysteries of Thy holy childhood, and pray Thee to let me enter into the spirit of it.

  • Let the hoarse torrent In the blue canyon, Murmuring mightily 10 Out of the grey mist Of primal chaos, Cease not proclaiming How I adore thee.

  • XXXI Love, let the wind cry On the dark mountain, Bending the ash-trees And the tall hemlocks, With the great voice of 5 Thunderous legions, How I adore thee.

  • Let the long rhythm 15 Of crunching rollers, Breaking and bellowing On the white seaboard, Titan and tireless, Tell, while the world stands, 20 How I adore thee.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "adore thee" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    adore thee; after times; article entitled; beautiful young; careful selection; could count; doing well; exilic date; foot soldiers; head court; high noon; hold fast; peculiar interest; picturesquely situated; private persons; que los; small portions; subsequent chapter; table before; then proceed; uncertain what; unlimited number