Those who attempt to overcome drug addictions suffer the tortures of the damned.
They are all a part of the drug addictions of the race.
What is true for the alcoholic craving can be just as true for addictions of all kinds and particularly for drug addictions.
In our day a great crusade is needed for the relief of this evil, for in spite of efforts at repression, drug addictions are growing in frequency rather than decreasing.
Do you have anyaddictions that are causing grief for you or others close to you?
I do not hesitate to say that he knows more about the alleviation and cure of drug addictions than any doctor that I have ever seen.
As a matter of fact, I earnestly believe that if this course was followed, the number of supposedly permanent cases of insanity arising from alcoholic and drug addictions might be decreased by seventy-five per cent.
Another doctor who is specially susceptible to drug addictions is the one who has been accustomed to alcoholic stimulation.
Such instances as these have produced the most utterly hopeless of the many cases of drug addictions among physicians with which I have come into contact.
In drug addictions the condition of the patient is not mental, as is generally supposed, but physical.
I have said so much about the after-cure of alcoholism that applies directly to drug addictions also, that it does not seem necessary to repeat it here.
Under Alcoholism and Drug Addictions we have discussed this phase of the subject, but a word or two more may make it clearer.
Drug addictions are indeed more curable than alcoholism and the danger of relapse is not quite so imminent.
In drug addictions as in alcoholisms, the question of sanitarium treatment comes up in every case.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "addictions" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.