By this meane the company decreased, and the officers knew not what was become of them; And it fortuned that one of the company driuen with hunger to seeke abroade for reliefe found [Sidenote: Our men eate one another for famine.
And besides this, they put the Portugals out of all doubt of the false opinion that the captaine generall had published abroade of them, and of other matters of like effect and purpose.
For they accompt great men and noble men for men onely in their contrye I tell you, setting their armes abroade in euery corner of their house for a shewe.
Me thought I was euen at home at mine owne house, and not a trauayler abroade in a straunge co[~u]try.
He speaketh some good things, that he may intermedle euil things therwith, he speaketh truth, that he may scatter abroade lyes, and roote them in mens hearts.
Furthermore, the Heathen thought the Soules should stray continually abroade before they founde rest, vnlesse the bodies from which they were seuered, were rightly buried in the earth.
Note especially all which go abroade working laces and shirt stringes, they name them Doxies.
This newes was soone blowen abroade into many prouinces, wherevppon our men feared rebellion among their new friends, yea and mutinie in their owne campe, but it pleased god that it fel out otherwise.
Cortes was hurte in one of hys knées very sore, wherevppon it was blowen abroade through the Citie, that Cortes was slayne, whiche newes dyd greately discourage our men, and much animate the Indians.
It should séeme that those Indians had some intelligence of his sicknesse, or else thinking with feare that he durst not come abroade as he was wont to doe.
Yet could not Emilia perswade her, to shewe her selfe abroade before dynner, tyll the king sent for her, with woorde that if she came not, he would himselfe fetche her.
And when the table was taken vp, they went together to walk abroade in the fieldes.
Therefore flyinge abroade to seeke meate for them, shee warned them that if there fortuned anye newes to be done or spoken in her absence, they should giue diligent heede thereunto, and to tell her when she retourned.
When the hony waxeth ripe, then are the Drone Bées driuen forth, and the kinde also of these are onely séene abroade in the Spring time.
And flying abroade in a mightye winde, they maruelouslye stay and guyde themselues, by waying their bodyes down with little stones, caryed in their legges.
Besides he sealed sutch Letters as he sent into Europa, with his accustomed seale, but all the Letters he sent abroade into Asia, were sealed with Darius Ringe.
When the day was come he sente the young children abroade a huntyng, and then ambiciously presumed to demaunde the kyngdome, beinge the first that euer attempted the like.
The rest of hir long spreding hayre was not seene, but couered ouer with a thinne vayle, edged with gould, hanging downe from the said flower and knot of pearle, to hir delicate shoulders, and flingering abroade with the ayre.
The tresses of hir haire flying abroade the vpper part or crowne naked and bare.
The roote is tender and full of strings, creeping farre abroade in the earth, and in short time occupieth very much grounde.
Wherefore come youabroade now I' faith can you tell?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "abroade" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.