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Example sentences for "wroughten"

Lexicographically close words:
wrothe; wrott; wroucht; wrought; wroughte; wrung; wry; wryly; wryneck; wryt
  1. Her portrait is wroughten on the tunic that was in the bundle given thee by Solomon, prophet of Allah!

  2. Then we waited awhile and presently returning thither, found that the sun had wroughten on the grape-juice and it was become wine.

  3. And when they entered all kissed ground and said, "Under the good auspices of our lord the Prince of True Believers we have wroughten the work of the house.

  4. The Warlock replied, "O my son, grieve not neither fear, for naught shall befal thee of harm, and I purpose to show thee marvels and miracles wroughten upon them.

  5. To the tent-door up rode the monarch, and Gramoflanz, he ware For garment a robe of wonder, in Gampfassâsch wroughten fair.

  6. My fruit is a jewel all wroughten of gold, ii.

  7. Now she had clad them in the richest of raiment and adorned them with trinkets and ornaments and wroughten work of gold and silver and collars of gold, set with pearls and jewels.

  8. When Mariyeh beheld all this, she repented with the uttermost of repentance of that which she had wroughten against El Abbas his due and the fires still raged in her vitals.

  9. Then Masrur looked at the breast of her shift and behold, thereon lay wroughten in red gold this verse, "The fragrance of musk from the breasts of the fair * Zephyr borrows, to sweeten the morning air.

  10. This is a stone wroughten in the semblance of a son of Adam and wanting in naught save speech!

  11. And he drew above the leggings the hosen of shining mail, Nor the spurs with red gold in-wroughten should unto the harness fail, And of silk and gold the laces, nor leather might there be found.

  12. Then, Lilith saith, “Eblis hath wroughten noblest on this earth.

  13. Master indeed of all crafts thou— Red Sard, and marble sphere, and agile prow Of pinnace light well wroughten were by thee And decked full fair.

  14. Next day he fared forth to see the market square, which folk call the Bazistan, and he found it fairly laid out, the shops wroughten with cunning workmanship and filled with rare stuffs and precious goods and costly merchandise.

  15. What answer will you give unto God [135] concerning this treason that you have wroughten with me?

  16. This is my will and my want which may not be wroughten save by thine aid.

  17. Al-Aziz ordered him a costly robe of honour and expended monies galore, giving unto each who had wroughten after the measure of his work.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wroughten" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.