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Example sentences for "wreckage"

Lexicographically close words:
wrecche; wrecched; wrecches; wreche; wreck; wrecked; wrecker; wreckers; wrecking; wrecks
  1. It had been mid-day before a farmer had found the wreckage of the mail, its pilot trapped in the cockpit, the registered mail sacks, with a big shipment of currency, looted.

  2. It looked like a hopeless quest when Ralph, poking around in the wreckage of the plane, picked up a bit of metal.

  3. There was little in the pile of wreckage to resemble the sturdy, silver craft which had left the Atkinson airport the night before.

  4. My first inquiry was for the Captain, and I was relieved to hear from Lalia that he was visible at that moment, directing the crew to save wreckage from the brig.

  5. All this wreckage gives an idea of a populous centre where the stir of traffic and shipping was intense.

  6. The City of God gathered in the wreckage of the earthly city: "The Goth cannot capture what Christ protects"--Non tollit Gothus quod custodit Christus.

  7. Cloth bindings are hardly so durable as leather, and without proper care a library of modern books can be reduced to wreckage in a year.

  8. He started back toward where, by the wreckage of his cage, Mary was now sitting up in a daze; then he changed his mind, whirled and fired directly at my doorway.

  9. Five hundred feet from us, by the shore of an oily, sullen sea, the wreckage of Tugh's cage was piled in a heap.

  10. Bright yellow flames were dancing at a dozen points about the wreckage on the listing deck.

  11. The port screw," he paused to tell the waiting girl, "struck a bit of wreckage and broke a blade.

  12. For the better or worse of Little Miss Grouch and the Tyro, the Sarah Calkins, of whom neither of them had ever heard, left her incidental wreckage strewn over several leagues of Atlantic.

  13. Meanwhile, a committee of one was appointed to go back and pick up the scattered hats, ice-axes, and such other wreckage as could be found.

  14. He was not the only one hunting through the human wreckage tonight.

  15. When that broke apart Drew and Boyd saw one man seize upon a piece of the wreckage and kick his way vigorously into the current heading for the stern of the grounded steamer.

  16. Surely it must be lying somewhere among the wreckage of all the plaints and all the exultations poured out aloud since the first day when hope, the undying, came down on earth.

  17. We have only the hazard of a quick out-throw of the remaining boat and the chances of a grip on floating wreckage to count upon.

  18. Hastening yellow waters toss a dreary wreckage of torn or ashen leaves, twigs, acorn cups, stranded rafts of bark, and buttonballs from the sycamore, never to come to seed.

  19. Two of the Chilians with axes crawled out along the bowsprit and cut away the gear that held the spar alongside, and the wreckage at once floated away.

  20. You see, it is sand up there where the wreckage lies, and it would not have taken long to scrape a hole deep enough and large enough to bury them.

  21. The wreckage lay a hundred yards further up, on ground quite twenty feet higher than that on which they were standing.

  22. We did not see anything but bales and wreckage where we landed, but it was all rock there.

  23. Then he brought up two or three more loads of wreckage and sat down under the awning, for it could scarcely be termed a tent, as both ends were open to allow a free passage for the air.

  24. He went a short distance away as soon as the fire was burning well, and was pleased to find that no smoke was given off, the sun having dried the wreckage until not the slightest particle of moisture remained in it.

  25. They lay nearly two hundred yards from the shore, and bore no signs of the rough usage that had marked the wreckage among the rocks.

  26. Samson South rose, and stood for a moment panting in a scene of wreckage and disorder.

  27. But, as he met the gaze of the disordered figure across the wreckage of a dinner-table, he realized that now, with the preliminaries settled, he who had struck Samson in the face must give satisfaction for the blow.

  28. When it became necessary to call myself something I seized the first bit of wreckage from the past that my mind could catch hold of.

  29. I mean by the wreckage an emotional weariness, an emotional distress, an emotional distaste for emotion; but above everything else I mean a craving to begin the emotion all over again.

  30. At the first onslaught of the battery of wreckage Polhemus was knocked breathless by a blow in the stomach and rescued by the bystanders just as a log was curling over him.

  31. He saw that the sea-water had not harmed him; it was the cordwood and wreckage that had crushed the breath out of him.

  32. Her eyes watched the wreckage of the doorway closely, suspiciously, like an animal before a trap.

  33. Sid carried him back to the ship while Astro and Kit remained to search the wreckage for Tom.

  34. Astro had just enough time to throw himself into an acceleration chair before the ship shot away from the Deimos spaceport toward the wreckage of the Space Lance.

  35. By this time they had cleared away the charred wreckage of Storch's shack, discovering the secret which its ruins had concealed.

  36. Into this dismal and jail-like yard poured the entire human wreckage of Fairview.

  37. In answer to his question, the man intent on clearing away the wreckage said: "The wind just caught it right.

  38. For the time being he had no more interest in the knoll than in the wreckage of dirigibles which were down and out of the fight.

  39. While he had felt the hot whirlwind of war in his face, she had witnessed the wreckage that it left.

  40. When our infantry is on the edge of the wreckage the guns cease.

  41. Amidst all this wreckage they were still campaigning.

  42. For a long time he stood without stirring, scrutinising the Canadian shore and the wreckage of hotels and houses and the fallen trees of the Victoria Park, pink now in the light of sundown.

  43. On the other hand was the wreckage of the great airship and the men bivouacked about a second ruddy flare.

  44. Several of the crew of the airship were standing about in silence, contemplating the wreckage and the empty wilderness into which they had fallen.

  45. Ave a look round," said Bert, and taking a path that ran through the middle of the island he presently discovered the wreckage of the two Asiatic aeroplanes that had fallen out of the struggle that ended the Hohenzollern.

  46. He was inspired by the idea that his antagonists might be in the wreckage of the Hohenzollern cabins that was jammed against Green Island.

  47. Seen from above, the effect of this wreckage was grotesque.

  48. In order to do this weight had to be dropped, and Kurt was detailed with a dozen men to climb down among the wreckage of the deflated air-chambers and cut the stuff clear, portion by portion, as the airship sank.

  49. With the first he found the wreckage of an aeronaut too.

  50. Then he came back to the American side of the island, crossed close to the crumpled aluminium wreckage of the Hohenzollern to Green Islet, and scrutinised the hopeless breach in the further bridge and the water that boiled beneath it.

  51. In the fourth place, within the awful wreckage of the war, with which this last inaugural is so absorbed, there were mighty attestations that God was pitiful.

  52. And so, as that dreadful wreckage brought to nothing all the pride in the extorted gain of centuries, it published most impressively that he who reigned above all centuries was All-compassionate.

  53. She would watch him and fear for him--she knew the wreckage love can make--and also she desired that he should lose nothing that life and his nature could give him.

  54. All our world over there is full of the confusion and wreckage of premature realizations.

  55. She saw a tall young man wriggling on all fours from underneath the wreckage of fabric.

  56. Their chauffeur nodded to his Belgian compatriot, the Red Cross orderly, interrogated by Monseigneur, pointed to the tall brown figure standing on the grass beside the twisted wreckage of a British aeroplane.

  57. But the closer the massed wreckage dropped toward Earth, the higher were its requirements for orbital velocity.

  58. The wreckage missed the city of San Francisco without the necessity of guidance by the rocket fuel so preciously hoarded by West.

  59. The scene was lost for a few seconds as the wreckage drifted out of the field.

  60. He used his side jets and slammed the Griseda into the Wheel at a forty-five degree angle, locking the ship in the wreckage of the rim and in the girders of the spokes.

  61. As the wreckage neared Earth, the computers narrowed their circle of error until it was certain at last that the city would not be struck.

  62. The shooting and the hum of the enemy engine ceased together, and the General and his Staff gathered themselves off the floor and surveyed the wreckage about them.

  63. They reached the tumbled wreckage of shell-holes and splintered planks that marked what had been the front German line, clambered through this, and pushed on stumbling and climbing in and out the shell-holes that riddled the ground.

  64. She was raising so much water with her active strokes that in spite of her waterproof there seemed a likelihood of her getting wet through, when she was startled by the amount of wreckage floating past.

  65. Some wreckage swung gently against a box laden with tinware that was taking a hurried voyage down-stream, and the collision brought a chiming protest from the tinware that made Pam think of church bells in England.

  66. Then she noticed that some of the wreckage in front of her had been caught by something, and was piling into a barrier.

  67. Some more wreckage punted into the table from behind, and it came on her with a jerk; the pole slipped from her grasp, and she was down before she had time to see that the table was going to strike her.

  68. He was trying to save the furniture when some up-stream wreckage crashed into the side of the house, and the crazy old place collapsed; the boy escaped by a miracle, and managed to scramble on to the table, which was upside down.

  69. The porter caught hold of a piece of the wreckage with which to steady himself.

  70. He was able to push back the wreckage with ease and step out.

  71. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wreckage" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    avenge; demolition; jetsam; mess; ruin; sabotage; smashing; subversion; undermining