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Example sentences for "wlad"

Lexicographically close words:
wizards; wize; wizen; wizened; wizout; woad; woak; woan; wobble
  1. On the death of this man Wlad turned up again, but was killed by a slave.

  2. The Prince, or Voivode as he was called, of Wallachia, Wlad by name, was one of the most cruel and bloodthirsty ruffians recorded in history.

  3. In his pursuit of Wlad he came across a field where twenty thousand Turks and Bulgarians had been put to death, one-half of them by impalement and the other half by crucifixion.

  4. Ac i mae'r wlad a'r iaith yn dra rhwymedig i'r Gwr o Benbryn, am gasglu cymmaint o Hanesion ynghylch ein Hynafiaid, na chlywodd y Saeson braidd son erioed am danynt.

  5. Ir wyf yn methu a chaffael copi iawn o Nennius, ac ir wyf yn meddwl nad oes un yng Nghymru a dal ddim, ond yn Hengwrt: da iawn er lles y wlad a hanesyddion Prydain, i gwnai ei berchennog adael i ryw wr dysgedig ei gymharu.

  6. The Proceedings will open with the singing of "God Save the People," and will close with "Hen Wlad fy Nhadau.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wlad" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.