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Example sentences for "wishfully"

Lexicographically close words:
wishers; wishes; wishest; wisheth; wishful; wishin; wishing; wisht; wisit; wisly
  1. She turned wishfully upon her mother her young bright eyes as she entered, but did not move or utter a word.

  2. The deity of a hundred sacrifices said, 'This elephant that has been a son to thee, O foremost of Brahmanas, cometh to thee looking wishfully at thee!

  3. Nor should one eat anything without giving a portion thereof to persons that wishfully gaze at the food that one happens to take.

  4. Ever since our exiles first heard that the magistrates are so ready to set open the gates, they also pant wishfully to return.

  5. Oh, yes, indeed I do;" and then Mary's eyes fell wishfully on the cover of the book which lay in her lap while her finger kept the place.

  6. Lady Staveley looked wishfully up in her husband's face, longing to tell him all her suspicions.

  7. And we delude ourselves if we attempt to believe wishfully that all these problems can be solved overnight.

  8. The spaniel, on hearing these words, gave a joyful bark, moving his tail back and forth in an excited manner, and then looked wishfully in her face.

  9. He looked wishfully in her face, and then went to Minnie's door, and began to scratch upon it.

  10. So have I seen, upon a summer's even, Fast by the rivulet's brink a youngster play: How wishfully he looks to stem the tide!

  11. How wishfully she looks On all she's leaving, now no longer her's!

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wishfully" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.