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Example sentences for "windswept"

Lexicographically close words:
windrow; windrows; winds; windshield; windstorms; windward; windy; wine; winecup; wineglass
  1. For a time the sun shone dimly through the wind-driven snow-dust that rolled from the top of the range, but it disappeared early behind wild, windswept clouds.

  2. The way was amid snowy piles, icy spaces, and windswept crags.

  3. Thousands of spectral years surrounded them with the mighty and majestic silence of eternity, while the shadows whirled on frenziedly, and the shouts rose and fell beating against the window like windswept breakers.

  4. Still the same sharp little stones rolled from under his feet as if dragging him back, and the mountain was high, windswept and gloomy.

  5. No one appeared to see me except the dusty children, with pale fleecy hair, who played their patient games on the windswept curbing of the square.

  6. I said good-bye to her alone, in the reddish, windswept space before the Great House.

  7. Meanwhile, at work under the windswept trees of the highway, were strange, dark men from the uttermost parts of the earth, physiognomies as old as the tombs of Pharaoh.

  8. His thought turned in quickened interest towards the Lady of the Windswept Dust and all that the said advertisements stood for in her case.

  9. Refuse as he might to go behind the fact, it remained indisputable that the Lady of the Windswept Dust had given him his dismissal.

  10. Otherwise the sunshine embraced her whole figure, conferring on it a glittering yet singularly unsubstantial effect, as though a column of pale windswept dust were overlaid, here and there, with splendour of rich enamel.

  11. And the Lady of the Windswept Dust was quick to realise this, though upon what fair unseen object the eyes of his spirit did, in fact, rest she was ignorant.

  12. Twice the curtain was raised at the end of the performance, and the Lady of the Windswept Dust made her bow with the rest of the company.

  13. While he waited for the moment when it should become clear to him how to act, his thought travelled back to the Lady of the Windswept Dust.

  14. Yet the Lady of the Windswept Dust tarried.

  15. The Lady of the Windswept Dust took his hand and held it.

  16. It roared through my hair and past my ears for an hour on end till I felt quite windswept and bleak.

  17. In that immense windswept space nothing was present save me and the wind and the sea--a flattering moment for the egotist.

  18. And when at length we stand within the windswept ruin we remember that it was here King Marc of Cornwall kept his court.

  19. It is but a dull and featureless road that crosses the miles of windswept moorland which fill so wide a stretch of the Devonshire marches.

  20. To the north the great, flat, windswept Dasht-i-Margo, about as desolate and arid a region as fancy could depict.

  21. Just near Branshaw Teleragh it was and we descended on it from the high, clear, windswept waste of the New Forest.

  22. That windswept island was bare of any save stunted bushes, and even of these there were none to serve her purpose.

  23. For so much at least that windswept corner of Kerry, beaten year in and year out by the Atlantic rollers, had to thank Colonel Sullivan.

  24. This great, featureless, windswept plateau keeps but a scanty population of less than three millions.

  25. Beyond them, northward, lay the windswept barrens of the highlands.

  26. It was a minute, isolated bluff of stunted, windswept trees, set in a white, wide wilderness of barren land.

  27. Tying them to the pack, he swung the load to his shoulders, stepped to the lake, and skirted the edge of the timber, keeping on a strip of bleak, windswept ice that left no trail.

  28. They crossed the windswept glare of the lake, carrying their snowshoes.

  29. Later that morning, they stood on a narrow, windswept ledge of rock, nearly ten thousand feet high, watching a pale, watery dawn touch the tops of mountain peaks fifty miles away.

  30. Down from the mountain above them, through the lonely, windswept stands of ponderosa and jackpine, drifted a yelping chorus of excited barks.

  31. Only those that have proved adaptable to this windswept district have been included, an asterisk being placed against the more beautiful and interesting species and varieties that are happy in cold and windy gardens.

  32. In poor soil and windswept places the British Oaks do not grow more than about 40 feet in height, but develop into picturesque features.

  33. On the dry, windswept summits the tree degenerates into a shrub, with stiff, harsh branches.

  34. Devant walked with Thornly to the outer door, and then to the windswept piazza.

  35. Not only the landings, but the house, the long flight of steps, and the windswept balcony and shining Light knew his cheerful songs.

  36. He passed through the airlock and out into the windswept desert.

  37. Rat was a native of Bellatrix VII, an Earth-size windswept world that orbited the bright star in the Orion constellation.

  38. Then these died away and upon the windswept platform of the South Harniss station descended the black gloom of lonesomeness so complete as to make that which had been before seem, by comparison, almost cheerful.

  39. It was raining, the long stretches of salt marsh were windswept and brown and bleak.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "windswept" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.