Christ carried them into a mountayne apart, for commonly the multitude is like a banquet whether every one brings his part of wickednes and vice, and soe by contagion infect one an other.
Is it possible that suche wickednescan lye hidden in the breast of our Madame?
Marcus Antoni- nus Caracalla, whatwickednes wanted, whose beastlie life is rather to be put in silence, then spoken of.
One thing in plane wordis she spak, "That God tuik alwyse from hir thay persounes in whome sche had greatest pleasour:" and that she repented; but of farther wickednes no mentioun.
Judge of the world, giue sentence on my parte, Accordinge to the cleannes of my heart: Let wickednes be brought vnto an end, And guide the just, that they may not offend.
God sometims hids a sinner till hiswickednes is filled up.
This indeed doth astonish us and causeth us to tremble at y^e deceitfullnes [128] and desperate wickednes of mans harte.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wickednes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.