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Example sentences for "whosoeuer"

Lexicographically close words:
whortleberry; whos; whose; whosesoever; whoso; whosoever; whot; whow; whup; whupped
  1. Whosoeuer is acquainted with the state of a campe, vnderstands that in it be many quarters, & yet not so many as on London bridge.

  2. And (which is the strangest thing of all the rest) Seneca maketh mention of a poole, into which whosoeuer looke, do presently die.

  3. Whosoeuer selleth a free man (any man much more a sonne) vnto strangers, &c.

  4. Manhelge chap 28, whereby it is enacted, that whosoeuer committeth adultery with another man's wife the second time, his goods being confiscate, he shall be punished with death?

  5. Or in that common wealth the politike lawes whereof doe streightly command that whosoeuer be according to law found in adultery with another man's wife, by her husband, if he escape, he shall vndergoe the punishment of manslaughter?

  6. The which custome is obserued and kept with so great rigour and force, that whosoeuer is against this lawe, all the rest do kill him.

  7. You shalbe a king whilest you rule well, but if you doo otherwise, the name of a king shall not remaine with you, but you shall vtterlie forgo it, which God forbid.

  8. Sottespill water riseth betweene Cheueleie and Naileseie, howbeit it hath no increase before it come into the sea at Sottespill, more than [Sidenote: Cleueden.

  9. Shawcrosse, and at Weibridge taketh in the Frith, and beneath Berdhall, [Sidenote: Set.

  10. Which brauerie tooke his hold at the last likewise in the countrie with euerie plowman, that euen the verie carters began to wax wearie of there mother toong, & laboured to speake French, which as then was counted no small token of gentilitie.

  11. The Caine riseth southeast of Caineburne towne a mile and more, from whence it goeth without increase by west of Gwethian, and so into the sea west of Mara Darwaie.

  12. But when no signe thereof appeared in our hearts, he called in an other nation to vex [Sidenote: The Normans.

  13. The north streame hight Piddle as I heare.

  14. Marrie there is betweene Martinbow & Trensow, a creeke that hath a backewater, which descendeth [Sidenote: Paradine.

  15. And whosoeuer shall withstand and not regard these our gracious letters shalbe in our high displeasure, and shal incurre the losse of his life.

  16. That the holy crosse should be to them rendred, and a thousand Christian captiues with two hundreth horsemen, whosoeuer they themselues would chose out of all them which were in the power of the Saladine.

  17. But whosoeuer they be, that in all their life time haue an especiall care by all meanes to profit as many as they be able, and hurt none, do not onely a laudable act, but leade a perfect and very godly life.

  18. Moreouer, this priuiledge was granted vnto saint Cuthberts shrine: that whosoeuer fled vnto the same for succour and safegard, should not be touched or troubled in anie wise for the space of thirtie, & seuen daies.

  19. When they were conducted neere to Hastings, and almost ready to be embarked, it was signified to them from the King; that aswell for their particular safeties, as not to disfurnish the Realme of strength, whosoeuer would pay 10.

  20. For whosoeuer supposeth that a State atteined by force, can be reteined by milder meanes, he shall find himselfe disappointed of his hopes.

  21. Sir Kay beheld the lady againe, & looked vpon her snout, whosoeuer kisses this lady, he saies, of his kisse he stands in doubt.

  22. For whosoeuer shall faile in the choyce of good Sets, or in getting, or gathering, or setting his plants, shall neuer haue a good or lasting Orchard.

  23. Whosoeuer makes such Walles, must not pill the ground in the Orchard, for getting earth, nor make any pits or hallowes, which are both vnseemly and vnprofitable.

  24. In the olde time, whosoeuer was allowed to vndoe his Ladies girdle, he might lie with her all night: wherfore the taking of a womans maydenhead away, was said to vndoo her girdle.

  25. But yet whosoeuer obserueth much, shalbe counted the wisest and discreetest man, and whosoever spends all his life in his owne vaine actions and conceits, and obserues no mans else, he shal in the ende prooue but a simple man.

  26. But whosoeuer was glad or sorie for the trouble of the said earle, suerlie the queene mother tooke it most heauilie aboue all other, as she that loued him more (as the fame went) than stood well with hir honour.

  27. Whosoeuer hath tasted fully therof, will declare hym selfe in al thynges, too bee a faithful subiect.

  28. Wherfore euen now whosoeuer is an enemie ||B.

  29. Wherevpon the same steward deuised an other game of wrestling to be holden at Westminster on Lammas day next following, and that whosoeuer could get the vpper hand there, should haue a ram for the price, which the steward had prepared.

  30. Therefore, whosoeuer could finde out in what proportion the Angle of the Sunne beames heateth, and what encrease the Sunnes continuance doeth adde thereunto, it might expresly be set downe, what force of heat and cold is in all regions.

  31. Therefore whosoeuer will rightly way the force of colde and heat in any region, must not onely consider the Angle that the Sunne beames make, but also the continuance of the same aboue the Horizon.

  32. Whosoeuer got thee, there thy mother stands, ·eae130· For well I wot thou hast thy mothers tongue.

  33. Paule when he sayth: Whosoeuer eateth this bread, and drinketh of this cup vnworthely, receaueth to himselfe damnation.

  34. Whosoeuer dooth desire and studye to liue godlye in Christe, he shall suffer persecution as a companion of his godlinesse.

  35. Whosoeuer is in deadly sinne, is vnfaythfull.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "whosoeuer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.