Whilst this maternal agony bursts over her, Rosa, on the sofa, bleats and whimpersamongst the faded chintz cushions.
Bruno understood that the soft little whimpers were promises that each puppy would do his best when the test came to him.
The pain in his heart kept growing until he could only lie still and draw his breath in smothered little whimpers that tore the inside of his throat.
Damsel and Skylark knew their friend; A thrill ran through the pack like fire, And little whimpers ran in quire.
Hark, hark to Daffodil," the laughter Faln from his horn, brought whimpers after, For ends of scents were everywhere.
Lad could hear her terrifiedwhimpers as she danced frantically about on the red-hot boards.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "whimpers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.