That part of the sheet of water, over which the trees cast a shadow, by what light do you see it?
By what light do we see the moon, and why is it comparatively feeble?
By what light are we enabled to see opaque, and by what, luminous bodies?
What light is this on a sunless shore, What gleam on a starless sea?
But here, in the laugh of the loud west wind from around and above, In the flash of the waters beneath him, what sound or what light but of love Rings round him or leaps forth after?
This is the place I think; what Light is that there?
I know in what light a woman, who loves like you, must consider such a proposal; and yet how many instances have you of women who, from the same motives, have submitted to the same!
In what light, then, shall I see, in what words shall I relate, the colonel's kindness?
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "what light" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.