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Example sentences for "wealthier"

Lexicographically close words:
weally; weals; wealth; wealthe; wealthie; wealthiest; wealths; wealthy; wean; weane
  1. But even under the Roman republic these democratic institutions were considerably modified in the interests of the wealthier classes.

  2. Those who profited most from this system were the wealthier landholders who could occupy and cultivate very considerable areas.

  3. As we have seen the wealthier classes dominated the Assembly of the Centuries, but in the Assembly of the Tribes, which was the more democratic body, a simple majority determined the vote of each tribe.

  4. The wealthier classes contribute sometimes a Ngway Padaytha, or silver Padaytha, the branches of which are hung with rupees and smaller silver coins wrapped in tinsel or coloured paper.

  5. Here they one day, with rustic hospitality, entertained unknowingly the gods Jupiter and Mercury, who had been refused admittance to the dwellings of their wealthier neighbours.

  6. Two or three bodies swathed in white are observed waiting their turn to be burned, others are already burning, and in another spot is the corpse of some wealthier person wrapped in silver tinsel.

  7. Much taste is displayed in architectural matters by the wealthier residents.

  8. Ignorance, idleness, and dissipation were the characteristic of the wealthier classes, and a meeting of the ‘gentry’ could seldom take place without quarrelling and bloodshed.

  9. The gravest misfortunes fell upon the wealthier and more cultured classes in the city.

  10. The wealthier Greeks in the Levant had already fitted out a squadron of thirteen frigates in support of their cause.

  11. These latter articles have recently been introduced by these gentlemen, and they are being rapidly transferred from their warehouses to the many beautiful grounds of our wealthier citizens.

  12. The city is better supplied with gas, and better lighted than any in the United States, if not in the world; most of the wealthier citizens use it in their dwellings, and all the shops are lighted with gas.

  13. Barnewall was allowed to return to Ireland in 1607, and the new method of beggaring or Protestantising the wealthier class of Irish Catholics was dropped for the time.

  14. They continued to indict the poorer classes according to the clauses of the Act of Uniformity and to cite the wealthier citizens before the Star Chamber for disobedience to the royal mandates.

  15. You are largely burdened with the pauperism of other and wealthier districts.

  16. All the wealthier men, both in the countryside and in the towns, were required to take up the duties as well as the privileges of membership of the military household of the king.

  17. They were wealthier than ever, yet did little to justify their existence; indeed the spirit of the age was so much set against them that they found it hard to keep up the numbers of their inmates.

  18. Nor did this seem impossible; he owned a far broader and wealthier domain beyond the Channel than did his nominal suzerain King Louis VII.

  19. But even in the wealthier abbeys we find traces of thriftless administration, idleness, self-indulgence and occasionally grave moral scandals.

  20. The difference between the farmers and the town had resolved itself into an ugly and sullen hate, and the wealthier townsmen who would have come between the people and the bread were fiercely pushed aside.

  21. Meanwhile ye shall not want What, conscious of your virtues, we can spare, Nor what a wealthier than ourselves may send.

  22. The Budget of the Well-to-do Probably it is in the budgets of these wealthier classes that the reader of these pages will be most interested from a personal standpoint.

  23. Members of this class commonly wear second-hand clothes, and live in tenement houses, originally built for a wealthier section of the community.

  24. But it should be remembered how large a share of the blame for this falls now upon the wealthier classes, who are opposed or indifferent to the education of the lower.

  25. The decline of the wealthier classes began before emancipation, and continued after it.

  26. Where are, think you, The wealthier mines--in the Indies or Westminster Hall?

  27. Most of the older and wealthier families in Lancashire still continuing to adhere to the ancient faith of their fathers, it will not be wondered that many of their dependents should follow their example.

  28. Her father's vain wish to let Arsinoe take a part with the daughters of the wealthier citizens had filled the girl's heart with fresh terrors.

  29. The wealthier classes responded lavishly to this command.

  30. In the study of tenancy, cases should be studied in which wealthier farmers rent additional land which gets cultivated by farm labourers.

  31. As he extended the boundaries of Lydia, he grew wealthier still, until his resources exceeded all estimate.

  32. The mules, and the camels, and the horses of the wealthier sort, enjoy themselves equally.

  33. But, on the other hand, the community becomes virtually the voluntary partnership of its wealthier members.

  34. The wealthier householders had threatened to pay at once the whole amortization debt that hung over their plots, so as to compel the community to deed them over to their owners at the time, according to law[150].

  35. In the valley, you will find, once more, the hotels of commerce and of the passing traveller; on the hill, those frequented by ambassadors and the wealthier class of foreign tourists.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wealthier" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.