The act also prescribes various rules for the unshipping, landing, examination, warehousingand custody of goods, and the penalties on breach.
The system of warehousing has proved of great advantage both to importers and purchasers, as the payment of duty is deferred until the goods are required, while the title-deeds, or warrants, are transferable by endorsement.
Yet figures cannot tell the way in which the warehousing organization of the American Red Cross met the constant emergencies which confronted it.
Which meant that our Red Cross in France must have purchasing and warehousing functions--like big business of almost every other sort.
They have little or no spare warehousing room, and are not accustomed to keep any stock, sending their flour out almost as fast as it is milled.
As the number of small mills has diminished the capacity of the bigger ones has increased, and proportionately their warehousing accommodation has been enlarged.
British all over," scribbled the American Sentinel on the warehousing system; and the tariff was trailed to a British lair packed with British statesmen, British capitalists, British manufacturers and British merchants.
Moreover, expenditure in the port which is incurred in protecting the cargo as in warehousing it, is by English practice treated as a charge to be borne by the cargo for whose benefit it was incurred.
Deposit, especially warehousingof grain, was charged for at one-sixtieth.
It was pretty much the same with the other street, which, as before said, intersected with the warehousing lane, not very far from the Apostles'.
But at last he began to feel a distaste for even these; and now nothing but the utter night-desolation of the obscurest warehousing lanes would content him, or be at all sufferable to him.
The warehousing system would enable the importer to watch the market and to select his own time for offering his goods for sale.
The warehousing system would afford that relief, since the carrier would have a safe recourse to the public storehouses and might without advancing the duty reship within some reasonable period to foreign ports.
By the revenue law of 1846 the duties on colonial fish entering our ports were very greatly reduced, and by the warehousing act it is allowed to be entered in bond without payment of duty.
The next day, I got a call from the head of the warehousing division over at Civic, asking me if I had any preference on warehousing molds.
Which, being translated, means of course generouswarehousing rooms, of one sort or another.
Then, too, the rapid development of the cotton warehousing system has made it less necessary for the manufacturers to tie their money up in great quantities of cotton, as they can buy when the market appears favorable.
The cost ofwarehousing and of insurance on the merchandise is also paid by the commission agent.
He was chosen to the presidency of the St. Clair Tunnel Company, the International Bridge Company, the Montreal Warehousing Company, the Portland Elevator Company and the New England Elevator Company.
The goods are occasionally turned over to the customer for warehousing purposes against the so-called "trust receipt.
A deposit with a bank would then be simply a warehousing transaction.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "warehousing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.