In addition to his works on literary and political questions he wrote voluminously on theology, philosophy, and the spiritual life.
He began life by serving in the army, but presently took to literature as a profession, and wrote voluminously in the magazines of that day.
Uncle Matthew was so voluminously wrapped up for this expedition that it seemed at first as if he would never be able to squeeze through the door of the brougham; but by unwinding himself from a plaid shawl he managed it.
Voluminously feeble, they imagine expansion is stronger than compression; and know not to generalise, while they only can deal in particulars.
Then follows Constantine Porphyrogenitus, vainly andvoluminously composing; and Basil II.
They were draped voluminously in long habits of brown linen, fringed at the hem, belted by a yellow cord with tasseled ends.
In one of the narrow ways between the tents an old woman, very bowed and voluminously clad, prepared a great hamper of lentils and another of papyrus root for the noonday meal.
For there have been few things so voluminously discussed as poetry.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "voluminously" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.