Here foloweth the conjugation of a verbe defectyve in frenche, whiche is I am wont, because it is a verbe rare and syldome used.
Anoder verbe defectif which is, it is lawful to me; thisverbe may be turned XXXVI wayes, accordyng to the fyrst conjugation.
And so forth thorow al the conjugation of I am, above written, and of this verbe I do, whiche is in the preterit imparfet je faisoie.
The sketchy nature of his rules may be judged by that given for the position of the objective pronoun: "oft times that thynge whiche cometh before the verbe in Englyshe commyth after it in frenche as il m'a fait tort .
And as wee use the Verbe Is; so the Latines use their Verbe Est, and the Greeks their Esti through all its Declinations.
A Frenchman seldome hears our Saviour called by the name of Parole, but by the name of Verbe often; yet Verbe and Parole differ no more, but that one is Latin, the other French.
They that taking occasion from this place, doe commonly call him the Verbe of God, do but render the text more obscure.
Except it be a verbe Impersonell the whiche wyll haue no nomynative case.
Loth rightly speaks of it as “le verbe dit avoir,†and M.
In some later editions of the Genevan Bible, printed in black letter, this clause is altered into "wee have put in the text between these two markes [ ] such worde or verbe as doth more properlie explane or manifest the text in our tongue.
Appositio, when two substãtiues are put together immediatly withoute any verbe betwyxt, the one to declare the other, as in Vyrgyll.
Ambiguitas, when thorow faute of ioynyng the wordes, it is doutefull to whych the verbe belongeth, as: Hys father loueth hym better then hys mother.
But thys is more playne in the latine because of the concordes, albeit in englyshe for the verbe we may vse this example.
Hys head and hys handes were cutte of: In the whyche sentences the verbe agreeth wyth the nexte.
Iniunctio, is when the verbe in diuerse lyke sentences is referred to one: and that thre maner of waies.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "verbe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.