There followed another gap of thirty feet, so that the valedictorian of the doomed might be seen of all.
From time to time the valedictorian would stagger as you have seen horses do on their last trip to the glue-factory.
Enchanted by the sorrowful eloquence, bewildered by the melancholy brilliancy, I sent a rosebud to the charming valedictorian and wandered out into the grounds.
Anna graduated last Thursday, June 16, and was valedictorian of her class.
He would crush Red Dog and Crazy Opdyke; he would be valedictorianof his class.
Pat wouldn't bevaledictorian of his class whatever other honor he might take, and he was trying to make it easy for him.
He hadn't wanted to insult him, but somehow Waters never did understand how valuable time was, and what it would mean to Fallon's mother if he could come out a valedictorian at the end of our four years.
And he told Waters to keep out of his room in study hour; he told him that he did not care to have his chances of becoming class valedictorian spoiled through having to divert his attention and listen to such superficial tommy-rot.
From the Walnut Hills District School Charles passed to the Gaines High School, from which he graduated valedictorian of his class.
Finding that he could do his janitor work mornings and evenings, he entered the public school of Richmond and afterward graduated from the Richmond Normal School as valedictorian of his class.
Late in March the valedictorian and salutatorian of the class were chosen.
You know how often we have talked this over before, and that I told Miss Matilda that I wished you to be the valedictorian instead of me, even before she selected you.
I had intended to, but I see no reason why I should not say it is unfair for me to be the valedictorian when you have the same claim to it that I have.
She had been selected as the valedictorian of her class, she had been chosen above her beloved Phil because of her gift as a speaker, yet she would be obliged to return to her seat without having delivered a line of her address.
You say you would be glad if Miss Tolliver had chosen me for the valedictorian instead of you.
Incidentally I carried off the honors for putting into American some of Mr. Horace's justly popular odes, edited the college paper for a year, and was valedictorian of the class.
As editor-in-chief of the college paper and valedictorian of his class, he had left them at last, followed by prophecies of a career in the world of letters.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "valedictorian" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: adieu; farewell; leave; parting; valedictory