With his strong hand he uprears the mast of Serestus' ship, and on a cord crossing it hangs from the masthead a fluttering pigeon as mark for their steel.
Then he uprears darkling altars to the Stygian king, and lays whole carcases of bulls upon the flames, pouring fat oil over the blazing entrails.
Thus eloquently spoke the pride Of Raghu’s children to his bride, And wandered happy by her side Where Chitrakúá¹a azure-dyed Uprears his peaks on high.
As o'er th'Aerial Alps sublimely spread Some aged Oak uprears his reverend Head.
A loose stone that has fallen from its home in the mountain-side above uprears itself in the middle of this turbulent stream.
A sundial, old and green with honorable age, uprears itself upon a chilly bit of sward.
Only the young short grass uprears itself, and, drinking in with eager greediness the welcome but angry shower, refuses to bend its neck beneath the yoke.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "uprears" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.