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Example sentences for "upon the other hand"

  • Upon the other hand, Sebastopol was naturally weak on the land side.

  • Upon the other hand, one of the officers leant against the wall, badly wounded, while both of the others had received nasty cuts.

  • It has always been our policy, upon the other hand, to sustain Turkey.

  • The National Union of Conservative Associations, upon the other hand, was a body formed on a basis of popular representation.

  • But, upon the other hand, what if they succeeded?

  • The position of the Conservative party, upon the other hand, was weak and miserable in the extreme.

  • Some physicians are inclined to limit the relation to once a month; upon the other hand, all who have given attention to this subject have learned of instances of excess which do not fall at all short of conjugal debauchery.

  • Cromwell, upon the other hand, from the extreme right charged down the hill upon Langdale's squadrons.

  • Upon the other hand, he had much to say; but he was willing to allow that upon some points he should have difficulty in combating their views.

  • Had it not been for the fog he might have succeeded in both these objects; but, upon the other hand, the enemy were as much disconcerted by the fog as he was, and were unable to use their forces with any effect.

  • Upon the other hand, if he refused to take this responsibility the fall of Trichinopoli, followed by the loss of the three English ports, was certain.

  • Upon the other hand, there was force in the arguments with which Admiral Watson had defended his refusal to sign the treaty of neutrality.

  • The former would be the most advantageous operation, but, upon the other hand, the Portuguese were most anxious to recover Oporto, their second city, with the fertile country round it.

  • If, upon the other hand, the shore line migrates seaward with the uplift, a portion of the relatively even sea floor, or new land, is elevated and laid under the action of the running water.

  • Where, upon the other hand, two series of deposits which are not parallel to each other are separated by a break, they are said to form unconformable series, and the break or surface of junction is an unconformity (Fig.

  • Upon the other hand,' he continued, 'if he really declines to use the Rising Sun Lubricator, we shall have to take his chains from him.

  • It is quite true that his life had been very evil, but, upon the other hand, he was most conscientious in all things connected with the supernatural.

  • Upon the other hand he was extremely conscious of the high artistic value of his plays, and shows a noble self-reliance upon his dramatic genius.

  • Upon the other hand, we all three argued with Sheykh YĆ»suf that he should leave the place at once and lay his case before the Governor.

  • Question the pigeons of some mosque, upon the other hand, and they will swear by Allah men are lords of all benevolence.

  • Upon the other hand, he sometimes happened on eccentrics who rejoiced his heart.

  • Upon the other hand, Socialism itself will be of value simply because it will lead to Individualism.

  • Upon the other hand, the terrible truth that pain is a mode through which man may realise himself exercises a wonderful fascination over the world.

  • Upon the other hand, another half-hour might see us safe under the walls of Nankin, unless some of our spars should be crippled, or a shot strike us below the water-line.

  • He was a year or two Will's senior, but scarcely so tall; upon the other hand, he was nearly twice his girth.

  • Upon the other hand, should the British fall back and the Afghans advance in the spring, he could hand the prisoners over to them, or send them down to Cabul, as a proof that his people had fought against the British.

  • Upon the other hand, for the visible aspect of an age, for its look, as the phrase goes, we must of course go to the arts of imitation.

  • The Greeks, upon the other hand, regarded writing simply as a method of chronicling.

  • Nature, upon the other hand, forgetting that imitation can be made the sincerest form of insult, keeps on repeating this effect until we all become absolutely wearied of it.

  • Upon the other hand, he was not a doctrinaire.

  • Friends of the yard contend, upon the other hand, that it is desirable because of its convenience to the Caribbean Sea, where, according to naval theory, this country will some day have to fight a battle in defense of the Panama Canal.

  • In matters of critique, incompatibilities were continually occurring, but in grammar, upon the other hand, there was no difficulty in finding common ground.

  • Upon the other hand, I am very fond of the people, and especially of the poor.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "upon the other hand" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    actual experience; brave warrior; exchange rate; fill them; high peak; human passion; long season; other races; poor lady; strongly heated; trees were; upon account; upon being; upon deck; upon either; upon entering; upon examination; upon hearing; upon landing; upon occasion; upon pain; upon receipt; upon that; upon the other hand; upon which; upon whom