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Example sentences for "uomini"

Lexicographically close words:
unwritten; unwrought; unyielding; unyoke; unyoked; uomo; uous; uovo; upas
  1. Lazzari, in his Uomini Illustri del Piceno, enumerates sixteen such as conferring lustre upon Urbino, but of these we shall only name one more.

  2. Called also Andrea Anconitano, which may correct the error of the Dizionario degli Uomini illustri di Ancona, which exhibits him as two painters.

  3. Gli uomini non sanno essere onorevolmente tristi'; men know not how to be bad with credit to themselves.

  4. Gli uomini fanno la roba, e le donne la conservano=--Men make the wealth and women husband it.

  5. Gli uomini hanno men rispetto di offendere uno che si facci amare che uno che si facci temere=--Men shrink less from offending one who inspires love than one who inspires fear.

  6. Vincenzo Fineschi published a second compilation in his "Memorie storiche, che possono servire alle vite degli uomini illustri di Santa Maria Novella," &c.

  7. Both were uomini terribili, to use a phrase denoting vigour of character made formidable by an abrupt uncompromising temper.

  8. For my account of Giovanni D'Enrico I turn to Signor Galloni's "Uomini e fatti celebri di Valle Sesia.

  9. Both were uomini terribili, to use a phrase denoting vigour of character and energy of genius, made formidable by an abrupt, uncompromising spirit.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "uomini" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.