The high efficiency of these lamps permit the use of opal shades to produce a desired illumination at a rate of cost that compares favorably with the unscreened light of the vacuum lamps.
Master Lord held up the unscreened lantern that he might scrutinize each in turn, and this he did in silence, devoting to it no little time, after which he commanded us to follow him as he led the way through a trap-door into the cellar.
Western Bituminous Coals-- (E) Run of mine coal; the unscreenedcoal taken from the mine.
Already the breeze was tearing across the unscreened spaces and carrying damp wisps of fog with it.
He shrank beneath the bedclothes, peering out with one unscreened eye.
Outside of one of his two unscreened windows there was an iron grating--the topmost landing of a fire escape.
The unscreened window from which he obediently leaned was almost directly in line with the vanity dressing-table across the room.