I endeavoured to take his advice; but my slumbers were unrefreshing and disturbed.
The patient is restless and wakeful at night, or sleep, when obtained, is unrefreshing and disturbed by dreams.
When sleep is obtained it may be unrefreshing or broken and disturbed by dreams.
The sleep is now even more broken and unrefreshing and disturbed by fearful dreams.
I awoke, as I had done of old, after one of my lethargic seizures, from a deep, unrefreshing slumber, with a lingering sense about me of drowsiness and even fatigue.
I woke as from a long, deep, and unrefreshing slumber.
Do not sleep after dinner, as a pollution will be very likely to occur, and, as a rule, after-dinner naps are unrefreshing and productive of indigestion.
A second nap is generally unrefreshing and is dangerous, for emissions most frequently occur at this time.
Whether she had swooned, or from weakness had become unconscious, she did not know, when, considerably later, she roused herself from what seemed like a heavy and unrefreshing sleep.
The night was intensely warm, and the scorching east wind, laden with the sand of the desert, blew from time to time in dry and unrefreshing gusts.
We crouched down still closer to our fires, and obtained what unrefreshing sleep we could.
He threw himself upon his bed without undressing, and towards morning fell into an unrefreshing and dream-peopled slumber.
From a disturbed and unrefreshing slumber, crowded with vexatious visions, he was suddenly and rudely roused by a rough hand laid upon his shoulder.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unrefreshing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.