Of one thing we may be sure, that during a large part of those unrecorded ages the Cheviot district could not have been an area of deposition.
Even remains (at Zimbabwe) of some unrecorded and vanished civilization, the southward enterprise of an early people, were discovered.
Some of the questions that were brought to Jesus and the answers he gave enable us to guess at the drift of much of his unrecorded teaching.
Similarly there was a real Jesus Christ; but the marvellous event of His resurrection is unrecorded by any of the celebrated historians of the period.
If you touch a hair of him, I'll double-thong you within an inch of your life!
Let it not be thought that the silence of the annals in other years is compatible with the absence of the unrecorded event.
In a few cases in the familiar life about us we see the evolutionary process abridged, and transformations like those of unrecorded time take place before our eyes, as when the tadpole becomes the frog or the grub becomes the butterfly.
Probably our whole historic period would form but a fraction of this cycle of unrecorded time.
Nevertheless, I will endeavor to recall a few as yet unrecorded reminiscences of adventure by flood and field during that period.
They would know to what combination of causes analogous effects were referable, and they would often be enabled to supply, by inference, information concerning many events unrecorded in the defective archives of former ages.
Long ago some pioneer of unrecorded name, using a non-condensing steam engine, warmed his factory or mill with its exhaust steam.
No rats were trapped, but one specimen was brought us in a bottle by a native, and this has proved to be Mus alexandrinus, totally unrecorded until now from the Andamans or Nicobars.
A momentary glance of a pitta gave for a few days (until we obtained a series of specimens) a fresh zest to collecting; this bird also was hitherto unrecorded from the locality, and proved to be a new species, although closely resembling P.
This is, indeed, the ancient and constant tradition both of the Eastern and the Western Churches, and it is one of the few to which, though unrecorded in the Gospel history, we may attach a reasonable probability.
Whether this incident occurred in immediate sequence to the events last considered, or at a later time after the return of Jesus to Jerusalem following an unrecorded departure therefrom, is not stated in the scriptural record.
The ethnic and political boundaries of Europe to-day are the residuum of countless racial, national, tribal and individual movements reaching back into an unrecorded past.
Egypt, Mesopotamia, and India tell the same story, whether in their recorded or unrecorded history.
Claiming to have visited Turkey (but omitting to say when), Lola offered an itemunrecorded in the archives of the British Embassy there: "In Turkey I saw very few beautiful women.
Chapter 7: In which Colonel Clive suffers an unrecorded defeat; and our hero finds food for reflection.
Perhaps an episode in the trial of Karl Lody, the German naval spy who was executed at the Tower of London on November 6, has its place in the unrecorded history of Prince Henry of Prussia's epochal visit to the British Isles.
In substantiation of that charge let me narrate a bit of unrecorded history.
It was these years of peace--when the coming and going of even a king was unrecorded with that precision which marks historical accuracy--that made the period antecedent to Perkin’s birth.
That it has gone unrecordeduntil now is because of Ballard's modesty, Paisley's preference for the sword, and Jones's hatred of the pen.
Sidenote: There may have been unrecorded instances of visits to North America.
For some unrecorded reason silver pieces were struck first and were followed by copper a few months later.
Fujiwara Momokawa warmly espoused his cause, but for unrecorded reason Kibi no Makibi offered opposition.