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Example sentences for "unfelt"

Lexicographically close words:
unfed; unfeeling; unfeelingly; unfeigned; unfeignedly; unfeminine; unfenced; unfermented; unfertile; unfertilised
  1. Of my identity the sudden news Would to my suit hardly be suitable: Wherefore I'll fall upon some easy course, And gently glide unfelt into her heart.

  2. Say, slavery unfelt were possible, Then freedom is a name for sounding wind.

  3. Any one of those still unutilized may be found to have peculiar properties that fit it for filling a long unfelt want in modern civilization.

  4. And its rays, unseen and unfelt by us, are yet strong enough to penetrate an armorplate and photograph what is behind it.

  5. All at once he comes upon the sleeping beauty, and is awakened by her charms to a hitherto unfelt consciousness.

  6. In every pulse of Friendship's heart There breeds unfelt a throb of pain, One hour must rend its links apart, Though years on years have forged the chain.

  7. At this culminating crisis, the antagonism which in Adam was as yet unfelt from the ascendency of nature, was to die out and cease on the absolute triumph of the Spirit.

  8. The windows of the dining-room were open to admit the soft balmy air which "came and went like the warbling of music," but whose reviving influence seemed unfelt by the sufferers.

  9. And for unfelt imaginations They often feel a world of restless cares.

  10. Unfelt movements of the ground are registered in the earthquake records, or seismograms, obtained by the delicate instruments used by modern seismologists.

  11. Had ages, such as make the moon and sun, The seasons, and mankind their changes know, Left fear and time unfelt by us alone below?

  12. Hence rustic dinners on the cool green ground, Or in the woods, or by a river side 90 Or shady fountains, while among the leaves Soft airs were stirring, and the mid-day sun Unfelt shone brightly round us in our joy.

  13. As at some moments might not be unfelt 'The Prelude', 1850.

  14. Not unfelt 545 Were its admonishments, nor lightly heard The awful truths delivered thence by tongues Endowed with various power to search the soul; Yet ostentation, domineering, oft Poured forth harangues, how sadly out of place!

  15. Further, the stimulus of moderate pleasures and pains may become unfelt through habitual repression.

  16. Had we been in bed, all would have remained unfelt and unknown.

  17. Bright art thou as at meridian on a June Sabbath; but effusing a more temperate lustre, not unfelt by the sleeping though not insensate earth.

  18. The coffin, as if empty, will be lowered unfelt by the hands that hold those rueful cords!

  19. That dimness with its softening Touch Can bring out grace unfelt before, And charms we ne'er can see too much, When seen but half enchant the more?

  20. Unfelt the pulse, unknown the power, That latent in his heart was sleeping,-- Oh Sympathy!

  21. Yet, if ever fate whispered of coming disaster, such inaudible but not unfelt prognostics hovered around us.

  22. Along the Church's central space The sacred weeks, with unfelt pace, Hath borne us on from grace to grace.

  23. The calamities which overwhelmed the borders of the middle provinces were not unfelt at the south.

  24. Two days ago she had seen them stemming the sky blasts, heralding the coming of unfelt tempests, flapping steadily through the fragrant rain.

  25. The old glory has vanished from the scene and the old thrill is an unfelt emotion.

  26. For those who do not know, no words can embody and transmit the unfelt emotion.

  27. How fuse and mix, with what unfelt degrees, Clasped by the faint horizon's languid arms, Each into each, the hazy distances!

  28. It will be found that it is absolutely correct if we reflect that this case of the unfelt inversion of the image on the retina is but one example of the anatomical ignorance of the consciousness.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unfelt" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    asleep; benumbed; callous; dead; dull; insensate; insensible; insensitive; insentient; numb; obdurate; obtuse; unfeeling; unfelt