Yes, sir; I could see it--this track ran under this triple underpass to my left, all out behind this building.
I assume that is the underpass that you have marked Parkway.
Well, we got in the car and went underneath the triple underpass and got on the Stemmons Expressway, which leads into the R.
By the west side of the building, you mean towards the underpass or railroad tracks?
Then there were some people down to the south of the triple underpass which had viewed the parade, or were viewing the parade--I don't know.
Were there members of the testing teams that did go to the handrail at the triple underpass to make observations?
Before we conclude the testimony, Inspector Kelley, I want to ask you if on May 24 you had occasion to go over to the triple underpass and observe the simulated car and occupants drive down Elm Street from Houston Street?
I emerge from the underpass and the girl moves from the Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse to the group of her friends.
Because you were facing traffic that was coming down Elm Street toward the triple underpass toward the intersection of Houston Street?
So, you stood there as the motorcade went by, facing west down toward the triple underpass and the motorcade turned left and started to go down Elm Street, is that right?
You have indicated the part of the wall that faces toward the triple underpass down toward where Elm Street and Main Street and Commerce all come together?
There is a sidewalk and terrace that goes up to the right, increasing in height as you approach the underpass from the corner at Elm and Houston Streets.
X" was fairly near the first sign on the right-hand side of Elm Street going toward the triple underpass after the Texas School Book Depository Building?
I tried another place and that had some obstruction of signs or whatever it was there and finally I found a place farther down near the underpass that was a square of concrete--I don't know what you call it--maybe about 4 feet high.
There were several cars stopped in front of me, and I stopped there myself under the triple underpass and got out and was standing there just, oh, about a minute before the President's car came by.
That's right, and the sign that we see in the very left front foreground of the picture would be the sign here that is toward the Triple Underpass from the steps to go down to Dealey Plaza on the right-hand side of Elm Street?
That is that far in the background, way in the back of the picture, or down toward the underpass of the street?
I was down there about the triple underpasson Elm.
Frankly, I was looking up and around and I saw at the same time people falling on the ground down the street toward the underpass and my first impression was some of these people falling to the ground had been shot.
Between the underpass and the building right on that knoll.
How far were you from the so-called underpass there, or overpass there?
Now, that was on the north side of Elm Street about halfway between Houston and the triple underpass and we ran down there where this man and his wife and two boys were.
You went under the railroad underpass there, which appears to be in green on the map, is that correct?
As it angles there and goes under the triple underpass there?
I seen him when he turned the corner and when he went down that underpass thing and I heard them shots and I couldn't see anything.
Let me draw the triple underpass there, and you ran up to what point--where?
Back, well, it would be north of theunderpass there, and said he had gotten hit by a piece of concrete or something, and he did have a slight cut on his right cheek, upper portion of his cheek just to the right of his nose.
Now, were there any people standing on the high side--high ground between your tower and where Elm Street goes down under the underpass toward the mouth of the underpass?
Here is Elm and here is the railroad underpass and pay no attention to the diagrams, but show me about where you were standing.
At the street and the other people, and we talked about some men who were carrying cameras.
They have yards to the north, and some to the south of it down below the Terminal.
Do you have anything to add which you think might be helpful in any way to the Commission?
He was assigned to the overpass with me; yes, sir.
And that yard is to the north and west of the Texas Book Depository Building?
Mrs. Ross has been asked to appear and testify concerning her knowledge about the stretcher cart on which Governor Connally was transported while in the hospital.
They chose the route, asking that we go down Main Street, and then we would go on to what is known as the triple, through the triple underpass onto Stemmons Expressway.
So, in talking with the Secret Service people they suggested we come to Main Street to Elm Street, turn one block north and turn back west and go through the triple underpass on the Elm Street side and at this place Elm Street is two-way.
On the record, we will supply for the purposes of this record the name of the officer and check it with Chief Curry, who was on the underpass or really the over part of the pass.
I was going to ask you, chief, as you were approaching the underpass you were looking toward the underpass presumably?
Where you are talking about the underpass is thatunderpass on Main Street?
And as we were moving downward the triple underpass which is about an ordinary block we were beginning to pick up a little speed.
Was the underpass bare of people or were there people on it?
How close were you then to the underpass when you first heard that shot?