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Example sentences for "undermentioned"

Lexicographically close words:
underlip; underly; underlying; underman; undermanned; undermine; undermined; undermines; undermining; undermost
  1. The two undermentioned books illustrate this point.

  2. Accordingly the undermentioned books are so entered, and not under the double names of Eardley Wilmot, Betham Edwards, and Collison Morley, although these writers may at times be spoken of by their double names.

  3. In preparing the ore for the crucible, it must be well pounded, and intimately mixed with the undermentioned chemicals:-- Pounded silver ore 240 grains.

  4. The undermentioned 2nd Lieutenants to be Lieutenants: C.

  5. The undermentioned Lieutenants to be Captains: A.

  6. This table is compiled from documents relating to the undermentioned manors.

  7. This table is based on documents relating to the undermentioned manors.

  8. On the 4th March Colonel Hicks[311] reached Kartoum, and with him the undermentioned English Officers, viz.

  9. The undermentioned European officers are believed to have perished, viz.

  10. By the beginning of January the undermentioned reinforcements had arrived from Egypt, viz.

  11. In reply to the above Cherif Pasha telegraphed on the 11th June, that the undermentioned amounts would be placed at the disposal of the Governor-General during the current year, viz.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "undermentioned" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.