I was not only unapprized of any other employment of his time, but had not the slightest suspicion of his possessing any property besides his clothes and books.
Carwin wasunapprized of his danger, and his intentions were possibly beneficent.
Not only was he unapprized of the disaster that had happened, but some joyous occurrence had betided.
And that the king had some such design seems not improbable, for otherwise the principal of these royal guests could be no strangers to the queen, nor unapprized of her beauty, so far as decency admitted.
Guy Rivers had not beenunapprized of the presence of the late comers at the village.
With this feeling in his bosom, Munro was yet unapprized of its existence.
This is to prevent the mortification of seeing an unapprized individual taken in by an assignment of them, as if they were ready money.
You cannot be unapprizedof the powerful armies of our enemy, at this time in this and the southern States, and that their future plan is to push their successes in the same quarter, by still larger reinforcements.
You are not unapprized of the influence of this officer with the Indians, his activity and embittered zeal against us.
Caleb, seated in the kitchen, and Eliza, asleep in her chamber, were wholly unapprized of my motions.
He appeared unapprized of it, but to see at once that it would be a probable speculation between two parties circumstanced and principled as those two are.
This, I hope, will sufficiently apologize for the delay of the answer, which those unapprized of these circumstances will have thought extraordinary.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unapprized" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.