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Example sentences for "tutta"

Lexicographically close words:
tutoress; tutorial; tutoring; tutors; tutorship; tutte; tutti; tutto; tutu; tutum
  1. Francesco at Rimini would 'spoil his music,' ciò che tu muti discorda tutta quella musica, this is what he meant.

  2. A word or two of the gay song fluttered back on the ear of the monk,-- "Tutta gioja, tutta festa.

  3. Between Dante's Signore della nobilitade and his Sir di tutta pace there is indeed a wide gulf fixed.

  4. The author of the Tavola Ritonda makes the event quite otherwise precise[446]: E stando per un poco, ed ecco per lo mare venire una navicella, tutta coperta di bianco .

  5. The Amorosa Visione ends with these words, Sir di tutta pace; their meaning is explained in previous passages of the same poem.

  6. The latter held up to him "il pericolo et infamia propria, et il scandalo commune a tutta la relligione per esserne lui capo;" the former threatened to leave him.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tutta" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.