By and bye the baby dropped asleep, and was tenderly lowered into his cradle; and then having nothing more to do for him, she tucked him up, kissed him, and went back to her social duties.
He wore a sprig of epacris in his button-hole, and carried a sheaf of delicate orchids with their stalks tucked under the saddle in front of him.
Here I've been sitting gossiping when I ought to have been safely tucked up.
She wore a yellow silk handkerchief round her head, and a baby, tucked in a red shawl, was pressed to her bosom.
He could not see the creature's legs, as they were tucked under her.
The reins he had tucked between the edge of the dashboard and the whip socket.
Peter had hardly shaken hands and tucked the four boys snugly into his big bob-sleigh, before the names slipped off his tongue with the ease of one who had used them for a lifetime.
The lesson was trying and the excitement was beginning to tell on the boy, so, without returning home, he went straight to the hall, his violin case tucked under his arm.
The third "was snugly tucked away in a small clump of mistletoe on an alder branch twelve feet above the ground.
The first "was tucked up under some dry ferns in the bank of a little hollow where a tree had been uprooted.
A fourth nest was tucked under the overhanging grasses and leaves in an old railroad cut.
Nancy sometimes asked him exultingly, as she tucked herself joyously into somebody's big tonneau, or snatched open a bureau drawer to find fresh prettiness for some unexpected outing.
When Bert came in, Nancy, flushed and tired, was ready, and he might play for a few minutes with Junior before he was tucked up.
Agnes had tucked her in her crib, with a "cacker"--and had taken the other children for their promised walk with the new puppy.
When Ludovic returned to his section, Phebe had gone to sleep in the corner opposite, her muff tucked under one flushed cheek; the other cheek was pale.
Phebe slipped down behind the berth-curtain, and tucked a shawl in at her father's back.
He was sitting upon a crystal throne, a-squat, with his crooked legs tucked under him, smoking with exquisite complacency a pipe as thick as his arm, terminating in a bowl as large as his head.
He bowed ironically to the assembly, emptied his glass, lit his pipe, and tucked his fiddle under his arm.
As soon as one of the little fellows had to hammer a sole, he adroitly tucked round his left leg, and, upon his tiny heel, beat out the bit of leather into order.
She tucked her feet farther beneath the seat, and Hilary refrained from looking down.
He was dressed in the uniform of those who sweep the streets--a loose blue blouse, and trouserstucked into boots reaching half-way up his calves; he held a peaked cap in his hand.
Side by side the stewards stretched them prone on their chairs and tucked them in.
When the executioner on the hill at Montmartre cut off his head the good saint picked it up and strolled across the fields with it tucked under his arm--so runs the tale.
I saw, with instantaneous but photographic distinctness, a lady, with a dog tucked under her arm, who hesitated a moment in our very path.
So you believe you've got that wisp of copper-tinted hair tucked up snugly?
You never spend any; you should have a decent little sum tucked away by this time.
Once his chin was tucked back against his breast his bucking chances were gone and he kept his nose as low as possible, like the trained fighter that he was.
You see, when Sunny Boy and his mother had been going to see Grandpa Horton, Sunny, as his part in the packing, tucked in the family alarm clock so that he would be sure to get up early in the country.
His little, motherly witch of a wife sat on my other hand, with her head covered and her feet tucked up, gazing through the great shutter-hole.
They get up from the grass and start running with their sarongs tucked up, waving spears above their heads, and yelling to each other to look out and catch the horse, because I was dead.
Not till I have seen you tucked away, you bet," he called out, exasperated yet ready to laugh.
She invariably tucked up her feet under her, but old Doramin sat squarely, sat imposingly as a mountain sits on a plain.
All were neatly packed in a case of bronzed leather bound about with firm braid, andtucked under the strap of the leather on the inside was a small pair of scissors.
I see that the mother has tucked up her skirt and thrown it over the child.
Up there our Lord had found a little red-breasted bird, that lay frozen to death on the ice, and He had picked up the bullfinch and tucked it in His bosom.
At the sight of her, patrons of the sale tucked their purchases under their coats and departed in haste, and the auctioneer paused with his mouth open as if a word had stuck halfway out.
And while the huskies demolished the second-hand store and tucked it somewhere out of sight, Mr. Cane did likewise with Sube.
The officer addressed took his large feet out of the stirrups, tucked his sabre under his arm, and stiffly dismounted.
With an attempt at similarity and a picturesque taste of their own, most of them wore linsey shirts and big black hats, tucked up on one side with a rosette of green ribbon.
And the rose was tuckedinto Mrs. Brocklebank’s belt.
She tucked the thing away behind her and relapsed.
Emilia tucked a foot out of sight under her skirt.
He returned to find her waiting with her sleeves tucked above her elbows.
Perhaps I can wrap my handkerchief carelessly round one, and I'll keep the other round your waist, considerable, tucked under your Watteau pleat.
Dicky tucked his head under his mother's arm, with a sigh of relief that there was one person, at least, whose sentiments were always favourable and always to be relied upon.
Dicky's small wounds were dressed with sweet oil, and after being fed and bathed he was tucked lovingly into bed, with a hundred kisses or more from the whole party.
Polly's tears fell fast on the dear little notes, which she kissed again and again, and tucked under her pillow to bring her sleep.
Dicky was first tucked up in a warm nest of rugs and blankets, under a tree, and sank into a profound slumber at once, with the happy unconsciousness of childhood.
Prote's fingers flew in undressing Marie Josephine and very soon she was tucked in her big bed.
Before she realized it she was in bed, tucked up warmly, with Cecile close beside her.
Prote tucked the bedclothes neatly about her when she said good night.
Then she put on a warm, worn jacket with a torn sleeve, tucked a black handkerchief about her neck and tossed back her uneven wisps of black hair.
There was a high wall to inclose it along the side nearest the street, with rabbit hutches and pigeon cots tucked up under the wall.
He tucked his thumbs into the girth harnessings of his Sam Browne and spraddled his legs wide apart.
A picture of Vera in a short frock, with a teddy-bear tucked under her arm, interested me; so did a portrait of Lady Thorold dressed in a fashion long since past; and so did a portrait of my old father in his Guards uniform.
The hotel people were surprised, on the following morning, to find one of our two rooms occupied by two fair visitors, while in the other Faulkner and I slept, tucked up together.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tucked" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.