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Example sentences for "transparencies"

Lexicographically close words:
transmuting; transoceanic; transom; transoms; transparence; transparency; transparent; transparently; transpierced; transpiration
  1. The processor producing smaller or larger transparencies from negatives.

  2. There can be no question that there is no plan that is so simple for producing transparencies as contact printing, but in this, as in other photographic matters, one method of work will not answer all needs.

  3. Beginning with the clever design of the New York Club down to the Park there was a succession of illuminations and transparencies of every possible sort.

  4. Window-transparencies may be made with transferrotype paper, and if the print is transferred to opal glass it will make a much more brilliant picture than when made directly on the glass.

  5. Large particolored bills were ordered, transparencies were prepared, the free band of music was augmented by a trumpeter, and columns of advertisements, headed with large capitals, were written and put on file.

  6. In general, these old-fashioned "moving-picture" machines were simply cabinets in which were mounted a series of transparencies made from pictures representing the stages of some simple animation.

  7. The prints are made from the positive transparencies in just the same way that photographic prints are made from black and white photographic plates.

  8. When held up to the light, the transparencies give an accurate picture of the scene in natural colours.

  9. An electric light illuminated the transparencies and they were rotated so that one picture at a time was seen.

  10. In the evening, "brilliant illuminations" took place with transparencies and variegated lamps.

  11. Over every public building and railroad station, and on all the public squares were transparencies in which the substantial form of Germania flourished extensively, leaning upon her shield, and gazing sentimentally into vacancy.

  12. My curtains are white, with a blue border, and two transparencies hang in the window.

  13. Section of sensitive plate after exposure and during development Gelatine Transparencies for the Lantern An Integrating Machine.

  14. Few of those who work with gelatine dry plates seem to be aware of the great beauty of the transparencies for lantern or other uses which can be made from them by ferrous oxalate development with the greatest ease and certainty.

  15. The tone of the picture is not so black as when developed by the old method; and I do not like gray transparencies for the lantern.

  16. At the two extremities of the transparencies were represented the Seine and the Danube, surrounded by children-image of fecundity.

  17. The illuminations were more brilliant even than on the evening before; and I remember especially that the largest number of transparencies bore the inscription, 18th Brumaire, year VIII.

  18. The palace of the latter represented the Temple of Hymen, the transparencies on the front representing Peace uniting the august spouses.

  19. The transparencies as photographs are inimitable; but there is colour introduced into the skies which ought to have been taken up by the rocks, and so carried into the foregrounds of the pictures, to be natural.

  20. From the colour and delicacy it struck me that with care to strain the gelatine, or use only the clearest portion, such a process might be utilised for transparencies for the lantern, and the sensitive plates be readily prepared.

  21. We refer to those exquisite and charming transparencies by Mr. C.

  22. Transparencies were waving about in the warm air.

  23. Fifty or a hundred natives get a lot of transparencies and parade in front of the altars of the Virgin and San Roque.

  24. When I first took up the making of transparencies with wet collodion, I was told that my sorrows would not be far to seek, and so I soon found out.

  25. Beneath his facile brush, soft and thick, the transparencies of the skin and the morbidezza of the flesh become ideal.

  26. In this full, fierce light the purple is black and the transparencies all steel-like glitter.

  27. In great number was the pretty frailty, whose wings are compact of transparencies and purple blotches.

  28. The soft green of a shimmering tea gown tipped with transparencies of lemon-tinted gauze was gratifying to parched eyes in over-ripe midsummer.

  29. Transparencies are dodging in the darkness.

  30. To put the matter brutally, politics, despite the lofty sentiments on the transparencies in torchlight processions, had only to do with the belly, not the soul.

  31. Where and how she could get good lessons in painting transparencies on glass plaques, was the question she wanted to ask him.

  32. He asked if she had shown the transparencies to Herr Kellermann, She confessed that she had lacked the courage.

  33. These make very pretty transparencies for lamps in Summer.

  34. It is on the same principle that the beautiful Parian transparencies are made for windows.

  35. She said she was sorry she was so incompetent, and pointed to the transparencies at the windows.

  36. Two dozen transparencies had been ordered and had to be completed before the holidays.

  37. Then he inclined his smooth, round head still more to the left, and said weighing each word: "It would be best if you were to entrust the sale of your transparencies to me.

  38. A hall lamp can be treated in the same way, the colored glass removed and photographic transparencies substituted.

  39. We once constructed with a half dozen of transparencies a very neat lamp shade.

  40. From these, transparencies can be made, either by contact, or enlarged or reduced in the camera.

  41. The transparencies are made, cut down to the size and shape required and fitted in; then ground glass of the same size and shape is fitted, small brass tabs at the back being used to keep them in their places behind the transparency.

  42. The streets were lined by the regular soldiers and volunteers and were beautifully decorated with arches, transparencies and evergreens.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "transparencies" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.