Accordingly he supplied a list of what he considered suitable modern French books, all of which could be obtained from one or other of the French booksellers in London.
The moral tonus of the place will be let down appreciably; general laxness will be the rule.
I may here state that I have also observed indications of muscular tonus in some of the other Medusae, but for the sake of brevity I shall now restrict myself to the consideration of this one case.
Lastly, the facts relating to the tonus of the manubrium in Sarsia furnish very striking, and I think almost conclusive, proof of the theory which I have advanced.
Physiologists are almost unanimous in regarding muscular tonus as a kind of gentle tetanus due to a persistent ganglionic stimulation, and against this opinion it seems impossible to urge any valid objection.
An interesting point with regard to caffein-poisoning of Sarsia is, that as soon as spontaneity ceases the tentacles and manubrium lose their tonus and become relaxed to their utmost extent.
The muscular arterioles throughout the body by their tonus serve to keep up the normal blood pressure and to distribute the blood evenly to the various organs.
This tonusis essential to the maintenance of an equalized circulation.
It is the measure of the tonus of the vasomotor system.
The Tonus of Autonomic Segments in Psychopathology.
A similar mechanism for the tonus of the other members of the vegetative system, and how they determine consciousness and behaviour is understandable.
For intravisceral tonus or pressure is not simply or only an acute or passing affair.
Certainly the carriage of an individual, outer symptom of the inner tonus among his muscles and tendons, may be said to be as distinctively an endocrine affair as the color of his skin.
The tremor became a positive tonus if the arm and hand were stretched out horizontally.