His name was Jerome Bailey and he died a rich man and always said he got his start with the ten dollars he earned making tintypes for Captain Anderson Hatfield.
He was making tintypesand charged a few cents for them.
He never stopped until he had ten dollars' worth of tintypes and then he didn't want the fellow to leave.
Maybe the enchanting Guilbert will take a fancy to you and your tintypes after we impoverish her royal escort.
Me and Clancy took eighteentintypes this morning in two hours.
Tintypes and photographs were the weapons with which Keogh and Clancy were at that time assailing the hopeless shores.
She wanted me to get her a shinguard to mount tintypes on--tintypes of the team.
He had his diploma framed and hung up on the wall of the galley along with tintypes of two or three of his wives, and pictures cut out of the Police News, and the like of that.
Tell 'em we make them kind of things with our eyes shut, and if they eat us we'll send our tintypes to 'aunt 'em into their graves.
There were two other portraits of him, large ghastly gray tintypes in oval frames of rosewood, obscurely suggesting coffins.
There were other tintypesand a flock of photographs in the room.
No, ma'am; it was like this: When I was up in Henry County there came a photographic artist to the village near us, and pitched his tent and took tintypes in his wagon.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tintypes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.