The machine he was looking at suddenly stopped, and this blocked all the tickers on the line.
And there being no one else to start the machine, Edison was given a chance, and soon the tickers were going again.
The indicators or stock-tickers of this company were a new device, and were distributed through most of the large brokerage houses of the city.
He removed a loose contact spring that had fallen between the wheels, and immediately the tickers began to work again.
As to the removal from Newark, he may be allowed to tell his own story: "I had a shop at Newark in which I manufactured stock tickers and such things.
Indeed, it was through the intrinsic merits of his improvements in stock tickers that he made his real entree into commercial life.
When some of the bills fell due, and I couldn't deliver tickers to get a supply of money, I gave a note.
After he had gotten up a good many inventions and taken out patents for them, the president of the big company came to see him and was shown a simple device to regulate tickers that had been printing figures wrong.
If he had no tickers ready to deliver when an account came due, he gave his note for the amount required.
On our wedding day a lot of stock tickers were returned to the factory and were said to need overhauling.
At my cottage he has had installed tickers for all three of the markets.
Didn't I say that we were stagnating over the tickers when there was plenty of adventure left in the world if we only had enterprise enough to go out and look for it?
Instantly the clerks at the tickersbegan to call, "Copper, one hundred fourteen and a quarter; U.
Members of firms who were not on the floor gathered about the tickers in excited groups and watched the pyrotechnic fluctuations of Sugar to the exclusion of all other stocks.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tickers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.